Zhanseit Tuimebayev: Board Games Are One of the Facets of the Great Steppe

The festival of folk board games under the auspices of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan took place in Nur-Sultan.
Opening the event Deputy Chairman - Head of the Secretariat of APK of Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhanseit Tuimebayev noted that one of the interesting facets of the Great Steppe is revealed in the board games.
"Board games of different ethnic minorities originate in ancient times and are an integral part of their cultural heritage. They form an organic part of the horsemen's culture, ancient art and technologies of the Great Steppe," said the Deputy Head of APK.
He explained that the ethnic minorities of Kazakhstan have similar board games designed to develop logic and ingenuity, mathematical thinking and endurance.
"Many nationalities have a popular ancient game of "Backgammon". "Togyzkumalak" is called "Toguz Korgool" in Kyrgyzstan, and schoolchildren's Olympiads on this game are held in Kyrgyzstan. Other countries also put importance to the development of board games: in neighbouring Altai, Karachaevo-Cherkessia and Yakutia, coteries are opened, books and scientific works are published in Karakalpakstan," said Head of APK’s Secretariat.
In Kazakhstan, the issues of development of ethno-cultural education, creative development of personality, civil formation of the younger generation, as the speaker noted, are given attention at the state level. They are one of priority directions in activity of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
"Board games are a branch of national games of ethnic minorities. All of them had a special significance as a ritual, and as a sports and military competition, and as a platform for communication of generations. Many of them later lost their original essence, developing and reborn, but were preserved as games - as part of the culture of a certain ethnic group" Zhansiet Tuimebayev said.
He recalled the proposal of Elbassy to create "National Club for Historical Reconstruction of the Great Steppe" (in the article "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe"), and added that the Festival is a contribution to the cause of historical reconstruction, which are still alive today.
"Our task is not to let them be lost," concluded the Deputy Chairman of APK.
Within the limits of action representatives of ethno-cultural associations of capital assembly told to participants of Festival about national board games, acquainted with rules.
At the end the concert program of creative collectives of cultural centers of APK in Nur-Sultan and handing over of letters of thanks to ethno-cultural associations was organized.
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