


26.04.2019 00:00 1280

An important element of the political system of Kazakhstan, strengthens interests of all ethnic groups, to ensure the strict observe of the rights and freedoms of citizens irrespective of their ethnic affiliation became the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, created March 1st, 1995 on the initiative of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev.

The idea of creation was announced by the President of Kazakhstan in 1992 at the first Forum of People of Kazakhstan. Activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan is aimed at implementation of the state national policy, ensuring socio-political stability in the country and improving the efficiency of cooperation between state institutions and civil society in the sphere of interethnic relations.

The Assembly today is a constitutional body headed by its Chairman - the President of the country, the guarantor of the Constitution. This is determines its special high status. The legal status of the Assembly defined the special Law "About the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan," "Regulations of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan," which regulates the procedure for the formation, structure and controls, defined objectives, main tasks, activities of the authority of the APK, and features of the organization of interaction with the public bodies and public associations, mechanisms for participation in the development and implementation of state policy in the sphere of interethnic relations.

On April 29, 2019, the XXVII session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan with the agenda “Formula of Peace and Accord: Social Unity and Modernization” under the chairmanship of Yelbasy, Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev will be held in Nur-Sultan in the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. It is expected that more than 1500 people will take part in the session.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, members and veterans of the Assembly from all regions, chairmen of republican and regional ethno-cultural associations, deputies of Parliament, heads of central executive bodies, political parties, religious associations, NGOs, rectors of higher education institutions, representatives of diplomatic missions of foreign states, scientific, clerisy and mass media will participate in the session of the Assembly.

It is worth noting, that First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbassy held a meeting with Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, to know about preparation to the 27th Session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.

N. Nazarbayev noted the importance of careful organization of the forthcoming event and emphasized the need for timely preparation for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of APK next year.

– Next year we plan to celebrate the 25th anniversary of APK. The anniversary of the Assembly should be held at a good level, both in the center and in all regions. Accord, stability, friendship of people, respect between different ethnic minorities, religious confessions are the basis of our state, the foundation of all development. And this should be the basis for the planned activities," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.


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