


29.11.2018 03:30 1635

The annual ceremony of awarding the winners of the Republican cultural and educational project of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan "Myn bala" was held in the Central Concert hall "QAZAQSTAN".

Deputy Chairman – Head of Secretariat of APK Leonid Prokopenko, members of APK, representatives of state bodies, participants and winners of the regional stage of the project "Myn bala", clerisy, methodists and teachers of ethno-educational complexes, activists and members of youth organizations, bloggers and media representatives .

The award ceremony was held in three nominations: "Asyl soz" mektebi - School of oratory art", "#Erkin soile" Video mantle", "Til mektebi - Language School".

Deputy Chairman – Head of Secretariat of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan Leonid Prokopenko made a welcoming speech.

As Deputy head of APK noted, it became a tradition every year in late November to gather at the scene of the capital to watch children's performance in the state language and to summarize project results.

He quoted the words of the Head of state in his program article "Uly dalanyn zheti kyry", where Elbassy says: "I am convinced that the people who remember, appreciate and are proud of their history have a great future. Pride for the past, a pragmatic assessment of the present and a positive view of the future – this is the key to the success of our country."

"The project "Myn bala", which is implemented within the framework of the national project "Kazaktanu" — this is the work to preserve our values. Til - kazyna, til - kasiet, til - biik madeniet. Til – tarikh pen madeniettin zhol kartasy," Leonid Prokopenko said.

As Head of Secretariat of APK emphasized, the history of any nation begins with its language.

"Myn bala" is implemented since 2015 on the initiative of APK in all regions of the country, and is designed to bring together children through the understanding of such words as "OTAN", "TUGAN ZHER", "SALT-DASTYR", "BAUYR", "DOSTYK", to strengthen the friendship and unity of the younger citizens and future owners of the country through the knowledge of the state language, knowledge of culture and customs of the Kazakh people.

"The state language is a "social elevator" for young people who are building a successful career, striving for high achievements. There are thousands of examples of this in Kazakhstan, our hosts can be an example – Maxim from Aksu, Pavlodar region, Alla from Kostanay, Deputy of the Mazhilis Gennady Shipovskih, Vice-Minister of Social Development of Kazakhstan Sergey Konovalov and many others", Leonid Prokopenko said.

Authors of the best essays, videos were presented awards and prizes from the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan in a solemn ceremony.

Leonid Prokopenko expressed hope that among the winners of the project are future ministers, mayors, journalists, diplomats, military, doctors and teachers of Kazakhstan.

"Our Leader of the Nation says: "Remember: your personal success is success of your parents, success of your relatives and friends, success of your families, success of all your compatriots, success of our country." Your today's success in the project is the success of the whole Kazakhstan. Therefore, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love for the Kazakh language and native land," Deputy Chairman of the Assembly said.

The project "Myn bala" has been implemented since 2015. Every year the number of project participants increases. If in 2017 the project involved more than 252 thousand children, this year the project involved more than 271 thousand schools of the country.

The cultural and educational project of APK "Myn bala" is aimed at teaching children and youth - representatives of different ethnicities of Kazakh language, formation of Kazakhstan's identity through the knowledge of the language, culture and customs of the people of Kazakhstan.

The project participants have demonstrated knowledge of Kazakh language, competing in writing essays, compositions, dictation and public speaking skills. 48 schoolchildren and teachers from all regions of the country came to the capital to participate in the award ceremony. This year, in the framework of the "Myn Bala" project, along with active students of the country's schools, teachers of the state language, methodists and linguists were encouraged as well.

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