Which universities in China can Kazakh students enroll in for free?

Within the framework of intergovernmental agreements between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Kazakh students receive a unique opportunity to study at leading universities in China, El.kz reports.
China, being one of the popular study abroad destinations, ranks third in the world in terms of the number of international students after the United States and the United Kingdom. The Chinese government offers 155 grants for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies. The grant includes free education, a monthly stipend (2,500 yuan for bachelor's degree, 3,000 yuan for master's degree, and 3,500 yuan for doctoral studies), dormitory accommodation, and medical insurance.
Among the best universities in China available to Kazakhstanis are Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, Fudan University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and many others. These universities occupy high positions in the world rankings QS World University Rankings, Times Higher Education. Programs of study are offered in a wide range of fields, from architecture and civil engineering to medicine and humanities.
Acceptance of documents for participation in the program has been extended until February 20, 2024. Applications can be submitted through the e-Gov portal (Egov.kz) or offline at the office of the Center for International Programs in Astana. To participate in the competition, you must also register online on the website of the China Scholarship Council before the specified date. Detailed information and instructions for submitting documents are available on the website of JSC "Center for International Programs" bolashak.gov.kz.