What is a Journalist: Interview with DAZ Social Media Editor Anastassiya Koroleva

Club of Journalists and Experts on Interethnic Relations at the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was established on behalf of the Head of State’s instruction, given at the XV session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
The Club is a permanent consultative and expert platform that helps consolidate the efforts of the mass media in strengthening tolerance, preserving interethnic and social accord and civil unity. 37 ethnic newspapers and magazines in 15 languages have been involved in covering the activities of the Assembly and the work of the club. The National Republican Newspaper "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" (DAZ), which was founded in 1966 and is the only newspaper of German ethnos in the Republic of Kazakhstan is included in it as well.
Anastasia Koroleva, DAZ Social Media Editor, told about the skills and qualities that a journalist should have, and advantages and disadvantages of this profession.
About Myself
I was born in the small town of Talgar, Almaty region, where I graduated fr om an economic lyceum, studying Marketing and Management as additional courses. After graduating fr om high school, I faced a serious dilemma as profession choice. Most of my relatives in the family work as accountants, and I decided to link my life with the humanities. Even though I have a penchant for the applied sciences, I decided that I needed to learn new directions. When I chose a university, I decided to study in The Kazakh-German University. My choice was influenced my ethnic origin as my mother is German. I passed the UNT, the entrance exams and chose a major "International Relations". The first year was a difficult one, and it was not clear in which direction to move forward. However, politics was of great interest to me, and I decided that I would develop in the field of diplomacy.
How Did I Get Into Deutsch Allgemeine Zeitung
On the 4 course we had an internship and I decided that the National Republican Newspaper "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" would be the place to get my first experience. Before that, I often helped to organize events of Almaty Cultural Ethnic Association “Wiedergeburt” and unwittingly collaborated with the newspaper. I wrote small notes, articles and realized that it was interesting to me. After the internship, I got involved as a freelance correspondent. At present, I have been working as DAZ Social Media Editor for a year. My duties include conducting social networks, we are in Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vkontakte, and we also have a Youtube channel "Germans of Kazakhstan". When I come to cover the event, I take photos, videos, do editing, write a review article, and recently I began to take interviews. I started with the section "Famous Germans", where we give information about outstanding young Germans who have achieved success in sports, applied sciences, etc.
The Most Memorable Interview
All the people I interviewed are definitely worthy of attention. For example, I interviewed outstanding athlete Pavel Fischer, International Master of Sport in Archery, multiple Asian Champion and winner of international competitions. After the conversation with Pavel, I learned a lot of new things. When you write about the field you were not familiar with before, you learn a lot of new vocabulary. Journalism is a multi-faceted profession, it has no borders, you are constantly developing, growing and studying the world. On the other hand, this profession is not suitable for everyone. You need to have a desire to communicate with people, to be well rounded. In any case, you have to love what you do, go forward to your aim and succeed. I have great interest for my profession very much, even though I had no idea before that my life would be linked to journalism.
Our Team
I am very lucky – I have a great team, there’s a lot to say about our Director Robert Gerlitz. I learned a lot from Editor-in-Chief Olesya Klimenko and Technical Editor Veronica Likhobabina. When you are surrounded by such experienced people, you grow and develop.
How Do I Prepare For An Interview
Usually I choose a theme that we have not covered yet, collect an information about a person I plan to interview. Recently we went to Taldykorgan to interview a well-known cardiologist Vladimir Kreisman. A lot of interviews were recorded with this person, and it is difficult to ask about anything in such situations, because the person has already answered these questions. Although you also have an advantage, because you know some information about this person, you can dig deeper and reveal him from the other side. I need to feel the person and then I can confidently convey information about him.
Who Do I Dream of Taking Interview
Since I studied International Relations, I am more attracted to the political sphere. I would like to take an interview with the leader of state. Perhaps it sounds ridiculous, but we have to set goals and achieve them. I never would have thought that I would take interviews with outstanding people of our ethnos, but now I realized that it is only necessary to wish, and then it will be seen.
Books That Influenced To My Development As An Individual And Professional
My development as a professional was influenced by the experience of my colleagues. I am more of a practitioner than a theorist. I watched as others did and repeated after them. From my favorite books I can mention treatise "The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli. I think that many politicians are guided by this work in conducting policies. His views are very interesting to me, his phrases can be used in life.
Journalist – Profession or Vocation?
Most likely, it is vocation. In my understanding, it is the desire to work in the field of journalism, to strive for continuous development, to have a tendency to work with information.
What skills future journalists need
It's very important to be loyal, to be neutral. By defending a certain point of view, you will not be able to look at it from your respondent's perspective. You need to be able to collect information, process it, and then people will read, put together their opinions about this person or situation. The journalist should be impartial, educated, eager for knowledge, constantly develop, improve and keep abreast of all events.
Disadvantages of Profession
It's a profession with rigid boundaries. An article written several hours late is no longer relevant. It is necessary to always be in the flow of information, sometimes it is exhausting and energy-consuming.
Advice To Future Journalists
Future journalists are people who start their lives from scratch. I would like to wish them to follow their hearts, be impartial, honest and active. "To be in the right place, you have to move around a lot at the right time" – I think this phrase fits perfectly
Profession That Has No Boundaries
Our staff is small, so we have to combine all the skills of a journalist: taking photo, video, writing articles, interviews, social media. Sometimes stressful situations can arise, but this broadens our horizons. This is a boundless profession, the media sphere is so huge, it is simply impossible to study it completely. I understand that there is no lim it to perfection, and I always try to develop my skills. I upgraded my skills abroad at a media seminar in Berlin last December, and was trained at Wochenblatt.pl in Poland, which combined a print version, website, radio and television. For five weeks, I was trained in all these areas and learned how to make audio podcasts. It was a very interesting experience.
About Kazakhstanis
I think Kazakhstanis are unique people. We are fluent in several languages, we honor own traditions and at the same time know and respect Kazakh ones. When I show something new to my friends or relatives, I say to them: "Give me ‘korimdik’ (a gift from relatives, friends and acquaintances for a housewarming party, birth of a child, purchase of important things, furniture, clothes, etc.)". In addition, we have taken over many positive qualities of Kazakhs, including hospitality. It is wonderful that we have the opportunity to learn languages, to know the culture of other nations and to develop thoroughly.
For reference:
The National Republican Newspaper "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" is published in two languages, once a week and with a circulation of 1200 copies.
The newspaper is funded by the Ministry of Information and Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan and supported by IFA-Institute of Germany.
The 12 pages of the newspaper contain analytical materials on the political and economic situation in Kazakhstan, Germany and other countries; great importance is attached to the cultural and social life of the Germans, both in Kazakhstan and in other countries. The problems of integration of Russian Germans in the historical homeland are often discussed. Topical problems of education and upbringing are raised. Special attention is paid to questions of interethnic accord in Kazakhstan, wh ere some 130 nationalities live in peace and harmony. The newspaper is in constant contact with the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, as well as with other national newspapers.
Dana Tugambekova
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