

What agriculture sector achieved in 2023 in Kazakhstan

What agriculture sector achieved in 2023 in Kazakhstan
Фото: gov.kz 29.12.2023 13:16 4458

As part of the preferential leasing program, farmers purchased 1,053 harvesters and tractors worth 40 bln tenge,  El.kz reports

Forage harvesting equipment. 20 bln tenge was allocated for the purchase of 2.8 thousand units of equipment.

Return of lands. 8 million hectares of unused land were returned to the state.

Auyl Amanaty Project. Creation of more than 350 thousand jobs covering more than 1 million villagers. A total of 1 trillion tenge is provided for the implementation of the project.

Microcredits. 100 billion tenge has been allocated for the issuance of 17 thousand microloans, which will create more than 18 thousand jobs in rural areas.

New Water Code. Development of a new draft code covering water, irrigation and water security.

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