

Weather forecast for December 17 in Kazakhstan

Weather forecast for December 17 in Kazakhstan
Фото: ©El.kz/Marina Ruzmatova /ChatGPT 17.12.2024 10:02 574

Ice slick, strong wind and fog are expected on Dec,17 throughout Kazakhstan, El.kz reports.

Blizzards are forecasted in the north regions, and the wind speed can reach 28 m/s.

The Karaganda region will face blizzards with strong wind gusts up to 23 m/s.

Ice and high wind are expected to batter Aktobe and Atyrau regions.

Severe frosts are expected today in Almaty and Zhetysu regions In the mountains, the temperature at night will drop to -26 ° C.

In Astana, wind with gusts of up to 20 m/s are predicted.

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