Water Security issues discussed at Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan Beibut Atamkulov visited one of the oldest universities in Uzbekistan, the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (TIIАMЕ), where he met with Rector Bahodir Mirzayev, faculty and students, El.kz cites MFA.
During the meeting, Atamkulov made a report on topical areas of bilateral cooperation between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, in which he noted the importance of economic and political reforms carried out in both countries, emphasizing the similarity of the ongoing transformations.
In his speech, Beibut Atamkulov also reported on the importance of the Treaty on Allied Relations between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, signed in December 2022, taking into account increased cooperation in the field of rational water use.
Touching upon the topic of water resources use, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan focused on the importance of water security issues in the region and the joint development of necessary measures based on the relevant instructions of the Heads of State.