Vice Minister of Agriculture gets acquainted with work of country's veterinary service

The Vice Minister of Agriculture got acquainted with the activities of the country's veterinary service, reports with reference to the press service of the department.
Vice Minister of Agriculture Amangaliy Berdalin began to get acquainted with the activities of the veterinary services of Kazakhstan. Thus, he visited organizations subordinate to the Committee for Veterinary Control and Supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture. Among them: the Republican Veterinary Laboratory, the Educational and Methodological Center, the National Reference Center for Veterinary Medicine, the Republican Anti-Epizootic Detachment.
The visit began with the Republican Veterinary Laboratory, located in the southern capital. The Vice Minister got acquainted with the activities of the institution and inspected the equipment of the laboratory. He also had a demonstration of the process of labeling biomaterials with barcodes, which prevents corruption opportunities, since laboratory technicians do not know for whom they conduct analyzes.
After that, the Vice Minister visited the Training and Methodological Center, where advanced training courses are held for employees from different cities and regions of Kazakhstan. Thus, the Center is engaged in consultations and development of methodological materials aimed at improving the quality of veterinary services. It should be noted that the assignment of legal status to the educational and methodological center, in turn, will make it possible to more effectively train specialists in the field of veterinary medicine.
During the working visit, the issue of raising wages for veterinary laboratory workers was voiced. This is due to the fact that working conditions are considered hazardous. The Vice Minister expressed his full support for the solution of this problem. He noted that raising wages and creating better working conditions will be the best incentive for specialists to work more efficiently, as well as increase their motivation.
Further, Amangaliy Berdalin got acquainted with the activities of the National Reference Center for Veterinary Medicine, founded ten years ago. Here, the vice minister was told about the main directions of laboratory research and arrangement of production facilities.
Concluding the visit, the Vice Minister visited the Republican Anti-Epizootic Detachment in Astana. By the way, it was established in 1999 and received its current name in 2010. Representatives of the center acquainted A. Berdalin with the material and technical base, disinfection equipment and storage conditions of drugs.
In conclusion, Amangaliy Berdalin especially noted the importance of the work of veterinary services in maintaining the health and safety of animals. Earlier, the Committee for Veterinary Control and Supervision this year purchased special vehicles to equip regional and city territorial inspections, including veterinary control posts.