Trump administration invites podcasters and content creators for White House press briefings

The Trump Administration has unveiled a groundbreaking plan to allocate seats in the White House press briefing room to representatives from "new media" outlets, including podcasters, social media influencers, and content creators, cites
The initiative is aimed at providing representation to groups that have not traditionally had access to the briefing room.
“Millions of Americans, particularly young people, have shifted away from traditional television and newspapers to consume news through podcasts, blogs, social media, and other independent platforms,” Leavitt said. “It is crucial for our team to share President Trump’s message widely and adapt the White House to the evolving media landscape of 2025.”
The decision to open the briefing room to new media is a response to the changing ways in which Americans engage with news. Leavitt emphasised the importance of reaching younger audiences who increasingly turn to non-traditional sources for information.
In a significant departure from past practices, Leavitt announced that a designated “New Media Seat” would be added to the front row of the briefing room, a position previously reserved for the press secretary’s staff. This seat will be open to content creators and journalists who meet the new criteria for press credentials.
“We are inviting independent journalists, podcasters, social media influencers, and content creators to apply for White Housepress credentials through our newly launched website,,” Leavitt stated.