Treasures of the Great Steppe to be exhibited in Paris

On November 6, under the patronage of the Heads of State of Kazakhstan and France, Guimet National Museum of Asian Arts will open an exhibition on “Kazakhstan: Treasures of the Great Steppe” from the collection National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and State historical-cultural reserve-museum Azret Sultan, reports with reference to the Ministry of Culture and Information.
The exhibition will run till March 24, 2025.
The purpose of the exhibition is to demonstrate to the European and French public the centuries-old history and rich culture of Kazakhstan focusing on the to the continuity and authenticity of the cultural code of the Kazakh people through the museum artifacts.
The exhibition will feature 35 rare artifacts dating from from the 3rd millennium BC until the 18th century.
Prominent statesmen of Kazakhstan and France, representatives of the diplomatic corps, culture and art, the scientific and student community, as well as the Kazakh diaspora in Europe will attend the event.