

Tokayev receives Minister of Health Akmaral Alnazarova

Tokayev receives Minister of Health Akmaral Alnazarova
Фото: Akorda 09.07.2024 16:32 794

Minister of Health Akmaral Alnazarova reported to President Tokayev on the work of the department and plans for the further development of the healthcare system, El.kz reports with reference to the press service of Akorda.

The President was informed that at the moment the life expectancy has exceeded 75 years. Since the beginning of the year, the incidence rates for 21 infections, including coronavirus, have been reduced. Work continues on vaccination and preventive measures.

Akmaral Alnazarova spoke about the work of the ministry to fulfill the instructions of the Head of State. Particular attention is paid to improving the quality and accessibility of medical services. Approaches to the primary care-oriented health systems are being revised, diagnostic and treatment standards are being updated, and the human resources potential of the industry is being strengthened.

According to the minister, the efficiency and transparency of the procurement system for medicines and medical devices is ensured. In addition, modern digital technologies are being developed and implemented to increase the efficiency of medical institutions, as well as to improve control over the system of compulsory social health insurance.

The President was also informed about strategic plans for the development of healthcare infrastructure for 2025-2030, including the construction of new medical facilities and further improving the quality of medical services. Within the framework of the adopted Concept, it is planned to implement 34 anchor projects aimed at building an optimal and efficient network of healthcare organizations.

At the end of the meeting, the Head of State noted the need to continue work to reduce maternal and infant mortality. Along with this, the President set tasks for a qualitative restructuring of the healthcare system with an emphasis on the patient-oriented provision of medical care. The need to ensure transparency and efficiency of allocated funds, including for the provision of medicines, was also noted.

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