


11.01.2019 04:19 1379

Today, the world celebrates one of the most "polite" dates of the year - International Thank You Day. Everybody is well aware of the importance of good manners and their necessity in everyday life, but most of the people express their gratitude without thinking about their meaning.

However, words of gratitude have magical properties – they help people to give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions. The word "thank you", even with an emphasis on any language of the world, can change a person's attitude towards you in a particular country, increase the speed, quality of service and help to establish a quiet and pleasant rest in any part of the world.

The word "thank you" or the Kazakh expression "rahmet" in Uzbek, Kyrgyz or any other Turkic language is pronounced in the same way. The word "thank you", spoken in almost all languages of the world, is extremely important for the culture of any nation.

Psychologists believe that words of gratitude are "oral strokes" that can soothe and warm with their warmth. The main thing is that the words of gratitude are pronounced from the bottom of our hearts. It is no coincidence that there has long been a very wise belief among the people – do not say the words of gratitude in a state of irritation.

By the way, since March 1, 2016, Kazakhstan celebrates its "polite" holiday – Gratitude Day.

The initiative to establish this day was put forward by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In his speech at the 22nd session of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan (APK) in April 2015, as part of the celebration of its 20th anniversary, the Head of State proposed to celebrate Gratitude Dayin the Republic. And the day of APK’s establishment – March 1 should be chosen as the date of the holiday when "people of the country can thank each other and the Kazakhs for their tolerance and hospitality in those years when many peoples were deported to the country".

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