The museum of Gabit Musrepov in Almaty
Travel to the world of writers
National writer of Kazakhstan, Hero of Socialist Labor, academician Gabit Mahmudovich Musrepov is a famous master of world, his whose works received recognition of domestic and foreign leaders.
He laid the foundation of kazakh soviet literature together with S. Seifullin, I. Djansugurov, B.Mailin, M. Auezov, S.Mukanov enriching by his wonderful works.
The famous scientist Georgiy Lomidze noted: «He was delicate, keen, subtle, elegant expert, working with brilliant precision and harmony. Alive faces and believer characters through Musrepov’s lines leak characters creating impression of volume, plastic of image characters and circumstances.»
Literature-memorial Museum of G. Musrepov in 1991 was opened in a House, where lived and worked a writer from 1968 till 1985 years. Museum consists of two parts: literature and memorial. In literature part of museum are placed the exhibits telling about life about life and creative work of writer. Two-memorial rooms- cabinet and the loom of i rout- remind for us the state of those time, when the wtilor lived here.
Gabit Mahmudovich Musrepov was born in 22 of March 1902 in fiumnr Akmolinsk province, of Tauzar volost, in second aul (now Nothorn of Kazakhstan oblast of Zhambul region in village Zhanazhol). Saying by Gabit’s words: ’’was born in “Nauryz Day” in intu, in old style at the begining of the year”.
Since 1908 till 1910 G. Musrepov had studied in aul school, where loomed Muslim grammar. In 1916-1918 years he continued studying in double grade of Russian school. In 1921 year he got education In Presnogorsk high elementary college.
Desktop of writer
In 1923 he entered Orenburg working faculty. After graduating ho continued his education in Sibirsk agriculture Academy in Omsk. In 1927-1928 years he worked as a teacher of Shuchinsk junior technical college of forests farm.
Sinco 1928-1930 years G Musrepov had worked a main redactor of Kazakh State Print. In 1933 he was a chair of art department of National Commissariat of enlightenment KazSUR. In 1934-1935 yoars he was a main editor of “Kazakh Literature”, “Socialist Kazakhstan” newspapers, in 1936 he was act of chair of Print department CC COMPARTY of Kazakhstan. In 1938-1955 years he was on a creative work.
In 1956-1957 years he was a main editor of satirical magazine “Ara- Smel”. In 1956-1961, 1964-1966 he was the first secretary of Union Writers of Kazakhstan Government. In 1958 he was chosen an academician of Academy of Science of Republic of Kazakhstan.
For many years he was at the head of committee writers organization of Kazakhstan. He was the Member of committee writers of Asia and Africa, an active participant of Tashkent, Beirut, Delhi and Almaty conferences. Adequately introduced Kazakhstan and its literature in many countries of East and West. The voice of the writer and a fighter for a world was heard not only in Almaty and in Moscow, but also in Paris, Rome, Djakarta, Tokyo, Cairo, Delhi, Beirut...
G. Musrepov was awarded by seven awards and many medals of USSR.
In 1970 Musrepov was awarded the Kazakhstan State premium for novel “Once and all life”, and in 1977 for merits in philology sphere he was a literature Ch. Valihanov of AS of Kazakhstan. Gabit Musrepov was the one writer of Kazakhstan which had deserved of a high rank of the Hero of a Socialist Labor in 1974. And in 1984 he was appropriated the title of honour “The National Writer of Kazakhstan”.
The first G. Musrepov’s works are “In puchine” and “American pyrei” published in 1928 in Kyzylorda. The readers knew a young writer with the large future and value doing to these works, which touched a civil theme.
The cycle of the novels about the mother was written by G.Musrepov. All his life he was glorified a great image of the mother- the woman. These novels with galleries of woman-mother images occupied a worthy place in prose of the world literature. These work are exhibited in a museum exposure: “The Mother”, which won the death”, “ The Mother of the mothers”, “ The corouge mother”, “ The revenge of the mother”, “Aklima”, “ Amine”, “ The prisoner”.
Novel “Ulpan” was published in 1982. The creation of Ulpan image about 40 years were in his thoughts. He tried to show Ulpan image from different directions: her thoughts, feelings, appearances, youth, maturity, Nature etc. The main heroes of the book Ulpan and Esenei are not imaginary images and historical personalities.
The first large novel of G.Musrepov “ Soldier from Kazakhstan went out by the story “The Batyr from Kazakhstan in 1945. In reworked, additional and supplemented aspect it went out under title “ Soldier from Kazakhstan” in 1950. The main hero – Kairosh Sartaliev. His prototype Kairgali Smagulov had passed war since 1941 till 1945 years , received a rank of the Soviet Union Hero. In an exposure you see K.Smagulov’s letter , written to G.Musrepov from Leningrad and a photograph of Kairgali Smagulov together with the writer . G.Musrepov held down close connection with his hero all life.
One of the best works products of the writer is a poem in prose “Once and for all life”. This poem is about life of the poet Saken Seifullin.
One of large works of the writer G.Musrepov is the historical novel “ The weaking region” It was published in 1953. The novel is a panoramic , unrolled in time encompassing life events of Kazakh people during tens years were being constructed in Kazakhstan. Appearance of a plied of the new people wishing to build new life, dramatic effect of characters, different relations to new structure of life, all this shows through the novel of G.Musrepov. After 30 years, in 1984 the writer had published the novel “” In another’s arms . It Is a continuing of the novel “The weaking region”. Here is described a truthful social life of the kazakh people of the end of 19 and beginning 20 centuries.
In an exposure you can see a fragment, from “The letters of fives” written in 4 July 1932. The hard times of trouble for G. Musrepov are 1932. (Hungry)and 1937-1938 year (Stalin’s reprisals). He authors miters “He letters file” were the well-known peoples in republic: Mansur Gataullin, Montash Dauletkaliev, Embergen Altynbekov, Kadur Kuanyshev. In 1990 on the scene of Republican theatre for children and youth named after be G. Musrepov the play “The letter of a five” (author of the play - Sherkhan Murtasa, producer - director Raimbek Seitmetov).
In 1937 G. Musrepov had standed up for repressed Beimbet Mailin. “Of he was an enemy, also I was enemy, too”, - he told on party meeting in the Union writers of Kazakhstan. For ever there were these words in memory of the people. It was a historical feat of the writer, which was difficult for committing. In 1938 G.Musrepov was eliminated from party.
G.Musrepov paid great attention to the beginning writers and the going literatures. He kept each new appearance of talent and lonrnod them from the first works, giving his rate. For example, nuch nrticlos, as “Two Muhtars”,”Besin - a title of the book - an author - Askar”.
In the middle of 1985 G.Musrepov made his last report in the Union writers of Kazakhstan. The report lasted about fair how’s. It was a very deeply pithy report encompassing many aspects of the mod¬ern kazakh literature and native language. In a turnstile remains manuscript of this report, written by arabian type shrift.
Since 1970 G.Musrepov started to write diaries There are more to three hundred handheld notebooks of the writer. In 1997 there was published “Diary” of G.Musrepov by the well-known scientist bibliographer, doctor of philological sciences Abdulkhamit Narymbetov.
Works of S.Zhumabekov “G.Musrepov” are exhibited (“Your favorite witer”, A., 1989), Svetlana Ashymkhanova “World of Gabit Musrepov”, A., 1999). R. Nurtazina “Publicism of Gabit Musrepov”, A., 2000). about the creative activities of G.Musrepov in an exposure.
Writer visited mane countries of a World. He was an active participant of many conferences of the writers of Asia countries and Africa. In an exposure vie see photos: meeting of G.Musrepov with the writers of Asia countries and Africa, trip to Japan, China, meeting with the guest from German - Leo Koshut. The writer had spoke about his trips that in Italy he was Triply in the late spring, summer and winter. (“Time and literature”, A., 1982. 144 p.).
In Algeria I has found by group of the kazakh engineers ... I did non know, with hat circulation issues our newspapers-magazines abroad. In Algeria. “Kazakh literature” ( “Time and literature”, 175 p.).
“To dinner I went to the head of writers group Japanese Tatzuro Isikavage. He was a writer-novelist. He looks like ours of llias Dzhansugurov, same severe Duringa conversation his jokes are appreciable trips”. (“Time and literature”).
lb an exposure gifts-souvenirs, presented during trips, a letter of Leo Koshut, written in July, 1984 from Germany. A beautiful knife in the bone rim slice of a mamonth’s wool (gift of the writers from Jakutia).
G.Musrepov tells about his trips in the book “Friendly trips” (A., 1971).
G.Musrepov deposited the large contribution to the kazakh dramatic art. His dramatic arts are famous and favorite. The images of G.Musrepov drama “Kyz Zhybek” on flanks of rich kazakh music in 1936, during decade of the kazakh literature and art in Moscow, had appeared on the science and fascinated the exacting spectators by fresh originality and sharm. In role Kyz Zhybek played a famous singer – nightingale of kazakh people – Kulyash Bayseitova.
In tragedy of G.Musrepov “Kozy Korpes-Bayan Sulu” alived wonderful images, created, created by the people, sparked by inextinguishable flame rebellions. Hearts of young people, by tragically death consecrating feeling of beautiful love “Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu” went on the scenes of Uigures and Korean theatres at
Vinnitsa theatre on Ukraine and hamed after by Mayakovry in Moscow.
Performance “Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu” in 1981 on theatrical festival in Paris in France, received the first prism. So organizing “Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu” appeared in 1984 in France, city Nansy.
The drama “Akan Sery-Aktokty” reflect of mirrors life 70 years XIX centuary.
In the play “Amangeldy” the writer demonstrated a national strike in 1916 against imperial government.
G.Musrepov is the althea such librettos, as operas “Kys-Zhibek” and “Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu”. “Kys-Zhibek” is the first kazakh opera. In 1968 passed 1000 posing of the opera “Kys-Zhibek” on which presented the author of libretto.
In role “Kys-Zhibek” in different years was played by such well- known actors, as Bibigul Tulegenova, Shabal Btysekova, Nurjamal Usenbaeva, Mayra Muhamedkysy and others.
There are the canes produced be writer under glass accommodated. The iron stick was presented to Gabe by his friend - colleague Gabiden Mustafin. Also he played very well in billiard. It is favorite. On a show-window these are his personal things Gabe - chapan and tybeteika.
G.Musrepov contributes large latour the kazakh cinematography. Films are mirrored producing by scripts of the writer in the exposures. Film “Amangeldy” producing in 1936 and published in 1938 is the first of the kazakh cinema. Also he wrote a script to films “Kiz Zhibek” and “Poem about love”.
In a family turnstile there are many photographs from album of a writer.
In memorial rooms there is nothing prestige, but each thing is very valuable, because they remained how such as at life of the writer. On the desktop there is telephone, floor lamp, acute ground pencils, thermometer, weighs, glass inkwell, a cardboard holder, crystal ashtray, pens, grindstone, magnifying lens, book “Awaken edge” the first and the second parts, the glasses were saved in a former state.
The personal library. G.Musrepov presented move books, than here to his native auk school. Here we see works not only Kazakhstan writers, but also works of foreign classics such Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Onore de Balzak, Gethe, Romen Rollan and others.
The exposure of a museum is ended by the last letter of G.Musrepov. In 1985 of December 28 the hard ill writer is dictated his last words to young generation: “ ... And I prepare for the cold embraces of sacred native ground, I fail the total of my long destiny, full of hopes, struggle and faith, also I sew there many injuries, but also much joys. On my eyes flap up the flag of new kazakh government. The nave found independence and with it a weight in eyes of all world. Without the great literature and the art isn’t present greatness and nation. Where on isn’t present raising soil of unity, isn’t present neither health nor movement toward. Frequently the copper descends for gold and raven-for falcon. Great art must have large and clean nature. From the name of adults generation of knzakh literature, which foundation built up not without mo and from the name of esteemed by you of plead literary hogs I ask you: seeing off me in the last path, remember this loath my wish/
This lotter I dictated to Alzhappar and Mukhtar, it is beyond my powers hold a pen.
Gnodhyo, goodbye for ever my sacred grained, my people, unforgettable friends - the colleagues, relatives, radiant, young tribe.
Yours, Gabit Musrepov”.
The writer died on December 31, 1985.
In 2002 on a solution of UNESCO it widely marked 100 year’s anniversary of G.Musrepov. In this connection were put the large measures into practice: the name of Gabit Musrepov was assigned to one of regions of North-Kazakhstan oblast, the monument to the writer in Almaty, the street by named in Astana.
State literary-memorial complex museum of S.Mukanov and G.Musrepov goes into the International catalogue museum of a world.
Library and table of the writer for operation faceing.