TEDx meeting on fight against corruption held in Abai region

At the initiative of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency in the Abai region, a TEDx meeting was held at the Semey financial-economic college named after Rymbek Baiseitov on the topic "Law and Order against Corruption", El.kz reports.
Representatives of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Service, the Akimat of the Abay region, college students, as well as anti-corruption volunteers attended the event.
The speakers spoke about the key role of young people in the formation of a fair society and shared effective methods of combating corruption.
Within the framework of the meeting, an open discussion and a Q&A session were held, where students presented their ideas on combating corruption. Representatives of government agencies stressed the importance of adhering to the principles of law and order, and volunteers shared successful examples of anti-corruption initiatives.
The organizers noted that such events contribute to the formation of an anti-corruption culture and civic responsibility among young people. The TEDx meeting "Law & Order Against Corruption" showed that open dialogue and youth engagement can be a powerful tool in building a transparent and fair society.