Status of kandas assigned to almost 10.5 thousand ethnic Kazakhs since beginning of year

Since the beginning of 2023, almost 10.5 thousand ethnic Kazakhs have received the status of kandas, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As of July 1, 2023, 10,488 ethnic Kazakhs returned to their historical homeland and received kandas status. In total, since 1991, 1,117.6 thousand ethnic Kazakhs have returned to the country. The majority of kandas (56%) came from Uzbekistan, 19.3% from China, 9.7% from Russia, 7.8% from Mongolia, 4.6% from Turkmenistan and 2.6% from other countries. Kandas of working age make up 65.6 per cent, 25.8 per cent younger than working age and 8.6 per cent of pensioners.
According to the level of education, 16.7 per cent of the Kandas of working age have higher education, 37.1 per cent have specialized secondary education, and 38.8 per cent have general secondary education. The Kandas settled in different regions of the country, and the labor-deficient regions for their resettlement include Akmola, Abai, Kostanay, Pavlodar, East and North Kazakhstan regions.
The quota for 2023 for the admission of kandas in these regions is 1925 people, and as of July 1, 2023, 1032 kandas were resettled in the regions of resettlement. IDPs in these regions are provided with state support measures, including subsidies for moving, renting housing and paying for utilities. This year, 565 kandas were provided with support, including employment, subsidies and subsidies for housing costs.
In particular, 293 people were employed for permanent work, 565 people received one-time subsidies, and 257 kandas were subsidized for housing expenses.
At the same time, in order to increase the effectiveness of voluntary resettlement, institutional measures have been taken to support employers involved in the resettlement of citizens to the northern regions. A certificate of economic mobility has been introduced for the purchase, construction of housing or to cover part of the down payment on mortgage housing loans at a time on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis in the amount of 50% of the cost of housing or up to 4 million tenge per family, the ministry said.
Also, in order to increase the effectiveness of voluntary resettlement, institutional measures have been taken to support employers providing certificates of economic mobility.