Stalingrad - a lesson in courage

200 days and nights, three million human lives - 75 years ago the victory of the Soviet troops ended the battle at Stalingrad. It completely changed the course of events of the Great Patriotic War. In honor of this event, on February 2, 2018, a commemorative event was held in the Hall of Military Glory of the Atyrau Oil and Gas University, organized by the APK of the Atyrau region and the Russian ECA "Bylina" headed by A. Koroblev.
The event was attended by the head of the secretariat of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in the Atyrau region G. Shakirova, teachers, students of the Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas, pupils of the secondary school No. 17 and representatives of the media.
In her speech G.Shakirova noted that at the present time in Atyrau regional museum of local history there is an exhibition in which expositions are presented: personal belongings of the participants of the greatest battle, archival documents and unique photo materials telling about the course of the Battle of Stalingrad.
During the meeting, students heard reports and read poetry about the war.
The event ended with watching the video "Stalingrad - lesson of courage". The footage of the film clearly demonstrated to the guests the chronicle of the events of the Battle of Stalingrad and left deep impressions.