

Shavkat Ismailov: Mayor’s Offices in capital will be totally transparent including in social platforms

Shavkat Ismailov: Mayor’s Offices in capital will be totally transparent including in social platforms
31.07.2019 17:53 1338

A round table on "Promotion of social projects in social networks" within the framework of the project "Astana Adaldyk Alany" was held in the capital's House of Friendship.

The working meeting was organized by the Public Association "Kyrgyzstan - Astana" of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan together with the project office "Astana Adaldyk Alany" and the Department for Public Development with the support of the capital’s Assembly.

As the chairman of the Kyrgyz ethnocultural center of APK in Nur-Sultan Shavkat Ismailov noted, today social networks are not only a tool of communication all over the world, but also a tool that allows to reach a wide range of target audiences and establish feedback with them.

He reminded that the Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev at the enlarged meeting of the Government of the RK called on civil servants to be active in social networks and to establish permanent platforms for establishing communication with the population.

"Astana Adaldyk Alany" project has been implemented in the capital since last year. The main goal is to eradicate domestic corruption. Within the limits of the project much is made in work of such state bodies as akimats, polyclinics, hospitals" the speaker has told.

An example of this is the mayor’s office of Saryarka district in Nur-Sultan.

"It has been switched to "open space" mode. On the first floor you can get any service, even a mayor has a reception in a glassed office. All mayor’s offices of the capital will switch to this mode. On behalf of Elbasy, given in 2018, from the beginning of 2019, this project applies to the whole of Kazakhstan," informed Head of Kyrgyz Cultural Center of the capital's APK.

Shavkat Ismailov: Mayor’s Offices in capital will be totally transparent including in social platforms

He also spoke about the feedback from the population through social networks. In particular, live broadcasts have been conducted since 2019.

"In 104 offices of the mayor’s office, there is a studio, where you can broadcast live. Heads of Nur-Sultan administration talk to the population of the city. The most important thing is that, first of all, our project has a lot of subscribers on different social platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), which allows us to establish good feedback with the population," Shavkat Ismailov said.

He explained that they try to answer the questions of the population promptly or send them to the relevant authorized bodies, where the necessary work is already being done directly.

None of the requests and questions are left unattended, the Speaker noted, and added that "this is one of the examples of using social networks to establish communication with the population, promote social projects".

It is worth noting that the round table was also broadcast online, and anyone could take part in it.

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