

Say the good of the good

While serving in the Chevron company, she contributed to the wide distribution of the audio version of the epic "The Way of Abai". She initiated the printing of signature notes and scores by our composers, headed by Shamshi Kaldayakov
Say the good of the good
Фото: https://adebiportal.kz/ 02.12.2022 12:19 932

Ainur Ulykpankyzy Sydykova is a trustee of Kazakh journalism. Ainur made a great contribution to the formation of the young generation of gifted journalists during the years of independence. She also played a historically role in supporting national values. While serving at the US Embassy, she organized an educational program for the exchange of experiences in America for talented Kazakh journalists. More than a hundred of our colleagues, while being overseas, saw the country and the land of America. After Ainur left the embassy, this project was closed.

While serving in the Chevron company, she contributed to the wide distribution of the audio version of the epic "The Way of Abai". She initiated the printing of signature notes and scores by our composers, headed by Shamshi Kaldayakov.

Ainur Ulykpankyzy was very demanding and principled. She did not understand and did not accept the word "no". Ainur corresponded to the real American dream as a symbol of justice and was a citizen of New Kazakhstan. A year has passed since Ainur left us. May the parents, relatives and three children have a long life and all the best in this world.

The good intentions of man were accurately described by the great Abai. The three qualities that a generous person should possess are truth, generosity and wisdom. He knew without a doubt that a supporter of the truth does not overstep justice, that a person with a broad soul can be the intercessor of the people and that a wise soul does not depart from the truth.

A person who thinks only about himself will not worry about his people. He will not mourn. Can such a person experience real happiness and joy? The person who gave her warmth to others, lived for the sake of her beloved Homeland, contributed to its prosperity, endlessly loved every son and daughter of her nation, helping them was Ainur Ulykpankyzy. Although her life was too short, but her mark left behind is an example to follow. Immortal value and immortal power.

Say the good of the good

In fact, five days should not be measured by life expectancy, but by meaningful significance. Ainur Ulykpankyzy would have turned fifty this year. At just 49 years old, her departed name entered the history of independent Kazakhstan in golden letters. These days, close friends remember Ainur, from whose face a ray of light and kindness always shone. Her short life was filled with shining moments, sunny times and meaningful years.

The science of genetics says that the father's abilities are transmitted directly to his own daughter. Ainura's father Ulykpan Yesilkhanovich was also an outstanding scientist. A citizen of noble birth. Ulykpan participated in the creation of the ensemble of vocal instruments "Dos-Mukasan" during the Soviet era. Judging by her father's words, Ainur was a very purposeful, attentive, nimble child from early childhood. When she was 2-3 years old, her parents sent her to the village to her grandfather Yesilkhan. "Upon arrival from the village, she was saying the words of her grandfather with her childish tongue," her father says.

Say the good of the good

After graduating from school with a red certificate, Ainur Ulykpankyzy entered the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 1994 with a degree in sociology. Ten years later, she received a PhD in political science. Ainur Ulukpankyzy, who devoted her adult life to the society and the media became the main founder of about twenty programs for training journalists, the ideological inspirer of projects to protect the rights of Kazakh women in the field of education. She openly protested against human trafficking in the world and even in our country. She has conducted dozens of trainings specifically for non-governmental organizations, entrepreneurs and media representatives.

Ainur started her career in the company "Kazakhstan Caspian Shelf". Later, she worked at the US Embassy in Kazakhstan for almost twelve years. Professional journalist, president of the Foundation of Turkic-speaking Journalists, head of the Club of Women Journalists of Kazakhstan Naziya Zhoyamergenkyzy, having worked with her for several years, tells about her merciful nature: "Ainur was very caring, kind to her environment, to her friends. These qualities of hers were noticed in every act. Thanks to Ainur, hundreds of Kazakh journalists visited America during her work at the US Embassy in Kazakhstan. Those who returned to the country realized their dreams. They were appointed to the highest state positions. There are even those who have mastered the English language perfectly, received the title of professor and are now working in higher educational institutions. I believe that all this is Ainur's contribution to the development of Kazakh society. In order to make her name eternal in 2021 in the competition "Freedom of Speech" from the Foundation of Turkic-speaking Journalists, we have appointed a special financial award named after Ainur Sydykova. Without erasing Ainur's name, this prize will be awarded annually to one winning journalist. God bless her! May the earth be down to her!".

Say the good of the good

Ainur Ulykpankyzy was married in 2000. Ainur and her husband Murat first gave birth to their daughter Aida. Then she gave birth to two wonderful sons Akhmetzhan and Ali-Myrzah. Even in the most difficult times, Ainur did not give up and continued to move forward. The early departure of her husband did not make her give up.

Say the good of the good

Her scientific works and concepts have been published in America and European countries. Later she went to work for the Chevron company and until the end of her life honestly and diligently fulfilled her official duties in this institution. It was Ainur Ulykpankyzy who initiated social projects organized by the American company Chevron. She always wanted Kazakhstani people to receive grants for educational, historical, and cultural projects.

"The glory of a good man lives for centuries," says folk wisdom. A well-known politician, independent journalist Ermurat Bapi told about the vivid image of Ainur, which remained in memory for a long time. He shared his memories: "My sister Ainur provided incredible help to our newspaper Dat when she served at the US Embassy. Giving me information about grants and assistance provided by the US Congress, various foundations, public and international organizations in America, she said: "Prepare and send the project as soon as possible. Let me involve you in this competition, your newspaper is needed by society," and helped me get these grants. At the price of those 2000s, there were grants in the amount of three to four thousand dollars. We won a small grant to write the history of Western Kazakhstan, Mangystau region. This has already had a huge impact on us.

Say the good of the good

Then one day Ainur called me on the phone and said: "Our embassy is going to provide a financial grant. Participate in this," and she prepared the documents on my behalf. A few days later, following the results of these grants, I was invited to the embassy. I took first place in the competition. This was when the Friday Times was just published in a Danish newspaper. They provided a grant for the replacement and updating of editorial equipment. Ten new computers were presented with the processor. We have achieved all this thanks to Ainur. For the last ten years, I don`t see such people in embassies. Otherwise, who would even have sent the information by e-mail and offered to take part in the contest.

There were training projects in Western Europe, especially in America. In these projects, Ainur made efforts to attract the children of Kazakhstan. How she looked at a person with kindness, always with a bright and warm look, with the same responsiveness, she treated her nation with awe. I myself studied in Baltimore under the Chevron training program. In America, there is a nomination award "the heroine". One day Ainur's sister turned and asked: "who from Kazakhstan is applying for nomination for this award". Then we proposed the candidacy of a lawyer recognized in the country, social activist Ayman Omarova. Fortunately, Ayman Omarova passed. Later, after collecting all the documents through the embassy, she brought this award from America. In subsequent years, in connection with the fate of our compatriot Sairagul Sauytbai, who was forced to flee China, Ainur always called me and suggested that we could include her in existing projects. But the policies of many companies like Chevron have a limited range of activities, so the project did not pass. Ainur was very upset. We are very sorry that our burning daughter Ainur, so compassionate to her nation, passed away early. I have never met a person so recognized by his civic interest, favor as Ainur. She was a unique person. When I think about her, Ainur's sunny face always pops up in front of me. What a snow-white face the girl had, the same spotlessly pure heart and rich inner world she had. We miss you. May the earth be down to her. I believe that her soul is with us forever...", he sincerely expressed.

Say the good of the good

The head of the publication "Kazakh Adebieti" Dauren Kuat met Ainura in 1996-1997. It was the time when Ainur Ulykpankyzy worked for the USAID international organization. According to Dauren Kuat, Ainur already understood the need to work with the Kazakh press, so she worked hard to present the Kazakh-language media to foreign diplomats, businessmen and politicians. Interestingly, thanks to Ainur Ulykpankyzy, something unprecedented is happening in the history of an independent Kazakh publication. So, let's talk about this historical event.

A young correspondent of the newspaper "Zhas Alash" Dauren asked Ainura Ulykpankyzy "Is it possible to arrange an interview with the American ambassador?" Less than a month has passed since Ainur brought the US ambassador to the editorial office of the newspaper "Zhas Alash". How could Ainur Ulykpankyzy persuade the US ambassador, who did not often attend meetings of national importance anyway, not to mention the Kazakh press, which had just risen to its feet after the years of independence? After hearing this story, you will be surprised. This is something that has not been in the history of the Kazakh-Russian press. During this interview, Ainur freely and promptly translated the questions of Kazakh journalists into English, showed her professional skills perfectly.

Ainur said: "If there is an opportunity, exchange experience and knowledge. Let's arrange it. Get acquainted with historical publications." Thanks to Ainur, a group of journalists, in particular, Srail Simail, Bayan Kuandykovna, independent journalist Asia Akishova and I, visited the United States and completed a month and a half of an experience exchange course. Visited several cities. We visited the editorial office of the famous newspaper "New York Times", the information channel "Fox News". Seeing such a world, our eyes were opened. Returning to Almaty, Ainur called us all again and personally asked everyone about their impressions and feelings. We still do not forget her care. It influenced not only us, but also several generations of Kazakh journalism and the youth after us. With the help of it, every year Kazakh journalists were sent to the USA in groups, helped them to exchange experience and improve. She also wrote several works on how the democratic values of Kazakh society should develop.

Ainur was an enterprising and free person. Always laughing. She was a girl with a friendly smile and a friendly companion. She has been developing and searching for herself all her life. It is customary for Kazakhs to say good words about a departed person. In truth, Ainur has become a valuable Kazakh personality. She had excellent organizational skills. There was a goal and a dream to move our nation forward. When I heard about the sad news, goosebumps went. Ainur's bright deeds remained as a priceless trace. I think we should strive for our sister's dream," says Brother Dauren.

Will we see the good life with our eyes?!. This was the dream of Ainur. All her life fits into the framework of this single question. The wise Kazakh says that a person makes a thousand with his offspring. There are descendants of Murat and Ainur and they will never be forgotten.

Makhat Sadyk

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