

Resolution was adopted after the session of Central Asian Scientific-Expert Council

Resolution was adopted after the session of Central Asian Scientific-Expert Council
30.10.2018 06:11 1231

On results of the session of Central Asian Scientific Expert Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, a resolution was adopted by participants in Congress Centre, Astana.

Participants of Central Asian Scientific Expert Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan expressing the support to ideals of the peace, consent and creation, readiness to promote strengthening of multilateral interaction between the countries of Central Asia in the field of development the regional identity and formation of stable forms the cross-cultural interactions, formations the environment of neighborliness in the region. They note following:

  - emphasizes the importance of the economic and social basis for the stable and ongoing development of multicultural societies in Central Asia was expressed in State of the nation Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, “Growing Kazakhstan Welfare: Improving Incomes and Quality of Life”;

- multi-vector policy of Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia is the background to sustainable ethnocultural dialogue as an important tool for humanitarian cooperation. Effectively working interaction mechanisms form promising development vectors for national cultures;

- strategic guidelines for the development of the countries the region can be based on the agreements, that were reached at the Summit of the Heads the Caspian littoral states in Kazakhstan, where was signed a historic document - the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea. It opens up new opportunities for interaction in cooperation and dialogue development;

- for the countries of the region, the project “One Belt - One Way” is a significant project aimed at expanding the Central Asian dialogue. New vectors of development of the Great Silk Road in modern dynamics unite states, communities, allow renewing historical traditions, and also open new channels for the development of intercultural, humanitarian ties;

- Central Asia is a key player in the format of the Summit of Asia-Europe Forum. We support the idea of its sustainable development, stability and prosperity is our common and quite achievable task;

- We express support for the Astana process to resolve the Syrian problem. Conflicts appealing to the religious feelings of people are a humanitarian catastrophe of our time. We emphasize that the situation in Syria must be resolved through negotiations of N. Nazarbayev expressed in Brussels: “Central Asia is a region of unique opportunities and a large, as yet untapped potential. Ensuring its sustainable development, stability and prosperity is our common and quite achievable task”;

- special impulse in development of cross-cultural dialogue has carrying out Year of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan that promoted expansion of contacts and elaboration of the general approaches, the forthcoming Year of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan will allow to strengthen cooperation.

 Results the meeting of experts of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, specialists in Central Asia from the European countries have shown the high level of interest and big research potential in discussion of all range of problems of development of ethnosocial processes and participations in ethnocultural dialogue. These allows to make a number of offers on development of the expert platform of Central Asian scientific advisory council:

- on the base of Central Asian Scientific-expert Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan initiate annually an expert assessment of the ethnic and confessional situation in the countries of Central Asia.

- to initiate research on ethno-demographic processes in connection with the growing migration mobility of the population of the region and the actualization of such problems as the adaptation and integration the migrants in the recipient countries;

- attract to participation in the summer schools for young people, conducted by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan together with the Academy of Public Service under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, young leaders of the countries of Central Asia.

To see the importance of inter-communications of scientific and expert communities of Central Asian region, we express our readiness to participate in the implementation of joint projects on the principles of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.

We express our heartfelt thanks to organizers for great job by preparing the session, which created the conditions for further cooperation of experts from Central Asian countries in the formation of regional identity.


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