

Qazaqtanu is Uniting Potential of Spiritual and Cultural Values of the Kazakhstanis

Qazaqtanu is Uniting Potential of Spiritual and Cultural Values of the Kazakhstanis
16.10.2019 19:11 1566

 URALSK - A republican lecture course on promotion of the Kazakhstan model of public consent and national unity under "Qazaqtanu" "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe" project was held with participation of Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Deputy Chairman – Head of Secretariat of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

Members of ethno-cultural associations, representatives of youth organizations, Councils of the public consent and mothers, members of science-expert groups and departments of APK, youth, employees of law enforcement bodies have taken part in the meeting.

The main goal of the lecture course was the creation of a system for the introduction into the public consciousness of Kazakhstanis of the unifying potential of spiritual and cultural values of the Kazakh people, the further improvement of the Kazakhstan model of public accord and national unity on the basis of civil origins, common history and the core cultural-historical role of the Kazakh people on its ancestral territory, raising the level of awareness of the ethnic minorities of Kazakhstan about customs, traditions, culture and literature under Qazaqtanu project.

The visit of Deputy Chairman, Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, to West Kazakhstan region started with a meeting with the mayor of the region Gali Iskaliyev, as well as visiting the exhibition, during which the craftsmen presented their products.

West Kazakhstan Region actively participates in Qazaqtany project and Rukhani zhangyru program. To date, 53 ethno-cultural associations are active in the region. Of these, 28 have been registered with the judicial authorities and all have successfully passed public accreditation. There are offices of 16 ethno-cultural centers in the House of Friendship of the Western Kazakhstan region. The region was one of the first to propose the introduction of Public Consent Councils. The first Council in the region was established in 2012, bringing together representatives of all political parties, NGOs, trade union organizations, entrepreneurs and young people.

Qazaqtanu is Uniting Potential of Spiritual and Cultural Values of the Kazakhstanis

"You are worthily represented in the republican Assembly. There are 141 people in the regional Assembly: 22 of them are members of the central APK. You have 239 Councils of Public Consent, 153 Councils of Elders and 158 Councils of Mothers and a number of other structures. 21 thousand people are your asset and it is a great power. The know-how of West Kazakhstan Assembly about the creation of the Public Consent Councils was supported by Elbasy. Following the results of the last year 1434 residents applied to the Council, 817 of them received a positive decision. The Council of Public Consent of the city's four residential districts was established," said Zhanseit Tuimebayev.

At the same time, the deputy chairman of the APK noted that the Union of Mediators and the Union of Public Mediators of West Kazakhstan region were established to prevent and resolve conflicts. The region has 143 mediation offices and 7 reconciliation centres.

"The Assembly's public mediators' corps consists of 144 people and 31 professional mediators. Twenty memorandums of cooperation have been concluded. I have just visited Tatulasu reconciliation centre, where 54 appeals have been received since its opening, 15 media agreements have been concluded and 39 consultations have been given. This is also an important and good experience," Zhanseit Tuimebayev summed up.

Qazaqtanu is Uniting Potential of Spiritual and Cultural Values of the Kazakhstanis

Qazaqtanu is one of the most important projects of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Various thematic events are held in the region in order to implement all the tasks set. Thus, for example, the scientific and educational project "Qazaqtanu" operates, the Kazakh ethnocultural association "Agaiyn" traditionally holds the holiday "Dastur", where the main attention is paid to the development of Kazakh culture. For the convenience of studying the state language, representatives of various ethno-cultural associations created a public association "Til Mura".

"Til Mura" is an expression of the desire of representatives of all ethnic minorities of the region, who have a soul for the development and preservation of the state language and the expansion of its application. Knowledge of the state language should become the norm and obligation of every citizen as a patriot supporting his Motherland. And, what is the most important, it is noted that for this purpose we have created all conditions, it is necessary to wish and everyone should start from themselves" noted Mayor of West Kazakhstan region Gali Iskaliyev, also underlining that the next year is full of significant and anniversary dates, such as the 25 anniversary of founding the Assembly.

Zhanseit Tuimebayev emphasized that the heritage of Elbasy in the light of the creation of a unique institute for the preservation of peace and harmony between ethnic minorities as the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan remains today the most important condition and foundation for the further development of Kazakhstan.

"In the Doctrine of National Unity it is noted that at the new stage the achievement of the National Unity based on the recognition of the common system of values and principles for all citizens becomes a strategic priority. In the new conditions, the Kazakh people, who have given their proud name to the country, are facing a new historical mission: to become the consolidating center of the unification of the nation.

Qazaqtanu is Uniting Potential of Spiritual and Cultural Values of the Kazakhstanis

The nation's spirit is based on millennia-old traditions, values and culture, on language as a part of the people's self-consciousness. It is they who have supported the people for centuries without letting them dissolve into history. Therefore, the revival and development of spirituality, culture, traditions and language is one of the most important areas of work. First of all, it refers to the expansion of the sphere of use of the state language," said Zhanseit Tuimebayev, noting that knowledge of Kazakh language is an incentive for personal competitiveness and active participation in public life.

As it is known, the objectives of the Address have formed the basic conditions and set three practical vectors for changing the consciousness, which, first of all, include ensuring the rights and security of citizens, reducing poverty, increasing the competitiveness of each citizen. "The first vector includes the allocation of 20 billion tenge per year for "With diploma to rural areas" programme, individual development cards for gifted children from rural areas, low-income and large families, reduction of the gap in the quality of education in the city and rural areas, an increase in teachers' salaries by 25%, strengthening the protection of children's rights, a new system of mandatory social health insurance," said Zhanseit Tuimebayev.

Under "Qazaqtanu" programme huge work has been done. Since early 2019, 167 national and regional events have been held, covering 57,000 people. Changing and modernizing the public consciousness is also the work of the entire society, in particular the intellectuals. In order to unite citizens and form a single national identity, the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abay and the 1150th anniversary of al-Farabi will be planned for next year.

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