

Public figure from Atyrau is one of the representatives of 100 new faces of Kazakhstan

 100 New Faces of Kazakhstan - success stories
15.12.2017 21:06 3141

The head of the NGO «Atyrau, Little Country» said that he was waiting for the participants of the project «100 new faces of Kazakhstan», the correspondent of the portal «My City» informs.

Yerlan Kumiskaliev became one of 102 winners who won the maximum number of votes and became participants in the project «100 New faces of Kazakhstan». According to the results of the poll, 10 thousand 912 votes were given for the public figure from Atyrau in the «Society» nomination.

- After meeting with the president, we were gathered and informed that after the new year we were ready for frequent trips to all regions of Kazakhstan. We were given a badge with the insignia «Ruhani Zhahiru», most likely, they are not given to everyone. The Head of the state himself said that soon a book about all the participants of the project will be released, and a film will be shot about us. The list is likely to expand, but the first 100 people will be given a lot of attention, - said the public figure.

Today Erlan Kumiskaliev heads the Center for Support of Children with Brain and Spinal Cord Damage, where about 300 special children are treated and treated. Currently, in the suburbs of Atyrau, with the means of sponsors, the hippotherapy center of the public organization «Atyrau, a small country», where children with disabilities will be treated with the help of horses, is under construction.

Yerlan Kumiskaliev is a laureate of the national award «Altyn Zhurek 2015» in the nomination «For caring for disabled people», has letters of appreciation from the President and the Minister of Health of Kazakhstan.

Evgeny Kochetov: The main criterion for the selection of applications for the project «100 New names of Kazakhstan» is a real human contribution to the development of independent Kazakhstan

The site 100esim.el.kz is launched, where everyone can send information about themselves or their friends for consideration on inclusion in the project. There have already been more than 1000 applications from people of different ages and professions.

On the site of the Central Communications Service, the meeting of the Expert Club «SarapTime» took place on the topic: «100 new faces of Kazakhstan - success stories», where the Chairman of the Board of Kazkontent JSC Evgeny Kochetov, member of the initiative group «Bureau 100» Mahabbat Esen, Kumbat Doszhan, as well as representatives of the expert and journalistic community, non-governmental organizations, scientists, leaders of public opinion and civil society.

As Yevgeny Kochetov noted, this project was proposed by the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev in the framework of his ideological concept «Spiritual Modernization of Society».

The main goal of the project «100 New Faces of Kazakhstan - success stories» is the modernization of public consciousness through the popularization and information advancement in society of the idea of success, the principles of meritocracy, competitiveness, the cult of pragmatism and knowledge on examples of concrete stories of people who contributed to the development of the modern Kazakhstan.

- The project «100 New Faces of Kazakhstan» is a story of 100 specific people from different regions, different ages and nationalities who have succeeded in the years of Independence. The main criterion for selecting applications is the person's real contribution to the development of independent Kazakhstan, said Yevgeny Kochetov.

According to Yevgeny Kochetov, the collection of applications for the selection of candidates for the project will be held with the involvement of the public, in which anyone can take part who wants to share a story about people whose life path and successes amaze and inspire others.

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