

Public Consent Councils – Сamertones of ‘Hearing State’

Public Consent Councils – Сamertones of ‘Hearing State’
09.10.2019 11:19 1592

ALMATY – "The Role of Public Consent Councils in Improving the Quality of Life of Kazakhstanis" National Forum of Public Consent Councils of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was held in the House of Friendship.

It was attended by Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan - Head APK’s Secretariat of the Executive Office of the President and Bakhytzhan Sagintayev, Almaty Mayor, heads of ethno-cultural associations, public concord councils, representatives of the non-governmental sector.

At the XXVII session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Leader of the Nation emphasized: "State bodies should listen to assessments, recommendations and opinions of public councils and take them into account in their activities. In order to sum up the results and determine the actual directions of activity, the Assembly holds such forums annually. The participants share their interesting experience at these forums and put forward proposals to improve the activity of councils.

At this forum, a special emphasis was placed on the new concept of "Hearing State", which was put forward in September Address to Kazakhstanis by President Qassym-Jomart Tokayev. He said that the government should "promptly and effectively respond to all constructive demands of citizens.

That is why the Head of State has initiated the creation of the National Council of Public Trust, where problems are voiced and solutions are worked out on vital and essential issues raised by representatives of the non-governmental sector, public opinion leaders and ordinary citizens.

In this regard, the Public Сonsent Councils of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, leading a dialogue with society, identifying problem areas, are entrusted with great responsibility.

Their main mission is to strengthen civil peace, social accord and national unity.

As of August 1 of this year, we have 2,786 public concord councils in the republic, in which 23,283 people are involved. These are active members of ethno-cultural associations, experts in various fields, lawyers, veterans and elders.

Providing their platforms for dialogue and interaction of state and public institutions, the councils of the APK act as repeaters of public opinion.

Many members of the public council have a huge life experience, special knowledge in a certain field, which helps them to see the problem from the inside, discuss and propose solutions.

This year, public consent councils of APK received 2,049 appeals of various kinds from the public. Creative potential of our public activists is directed on assistance to realization of the state programs on housing, employment, drinking water, prevention of offenses, support of small and medium business, socially unprotected layers of society.

The councils also raise issues of quality and accessibility of education, health care and social security services; landscaping of territories, streets and yards; repair of roads, cultural facilities and development of mass sports.

Possessing the situation on the spot, they organize assistance to low-income and large families, persons with disabilities, orphans, people affected by floods and other accidents. The events in Arys are alive in the memory, when all the structures of the APK joined the action in support of the residents of the city who needed food, things and household items.

In general, the activities of the APK's public consent councils are focused on developing recommendations on conflict prevention and resolution, supporting significant civic initiatives, projects and programs, and promoting charity and mediation.

At the same time, the main direction of the work of public consent councils is to support socially significant projects and programs aimed at strengthening public consent and national unity.

It is well known that if there is no response to citizens' questions and they hang in the air, there are always those who can interpret them in their own way, with the benefit of themselves. This does not lead to anything good.

Therefore, our efforts and resources today must be focused on filling the information vacuum. It is necessary to tell people about programs that will help them to stand on their own feet, strengthen their position, and be useful to their families and society.



Yussup Keligov 

Deputy Chairman 

Аssembly of People of Kazakhstan

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