Prospects of Kazakhstan’s cooperation with Italy and Romania discussed at Foreign Ministry

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Vassilenko held meetings with the Ambassadors of Italy and Romania to Kazakhstan, cites MFA.
At the meeting with the Italian Ambassador Marco Alberti, the discussions were focused on the outcomes of the recent official visit of the Head of State to Rome.
The two diplomats outlined steps towards the realization of the agreements reached at the highest level, along with plans for hosting various events throughout the year and emphasized the importance of the next 9th meeting of the Intergovernmental Kazakh-Italian Working Group on industrial and economic cooperation and exchange.
During the conversation with Ambassador of Romania Madalina Lupu, both parties addressed the issues of practical implementation of agreements achieved during the official visit of Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu to Bucharest last December. Joint plans for the current year were also deliberated.
Given the substantial volumes of bilateral trade between Kazakhstan and Romania, the Deputy Minister underlined the necessity to further expand bilateral trade, economic and investment ties, highlighting the important role of the Intergovernmental Kazakh-Romanian Commission on Trade-Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation. The Commission’s 17th meeting is scheduled for February in Bucharest.