

Prospects for development of Karazhanbas Oil Field discussed at international conference

Prospects for development of Karazhanbas Oil Field discussed at international conference
Фото: KazMunayGas 19.08.2024 12:00 587

Aktau hosted an International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Kazakh oil and the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the first oil fountain at Karazhanbas field,El.kz reports.

The event was attended by representatives of JSC NC "KazMunayGas", JSC "Karazhanbasmunai", as well as domestic and foreign experts and scientists. The main purpose of the conference was to discuss methods and technologies for oil development, as well as prospects for further development of the Karazhanbas field.

At the opening of the event, the management of Karazhanbasmunai congratulated the participants on the anniversary and especially noted the contribution of scientists to the study of effective methods for the development of underground resources.

Foreign experts presented the experience of using technical devices to determine the parameters of steam at similar fields, as well as technologies for the chemical protection of oil wells from sand. In turn, domestic scientists shared the results of research on the study of heavy oil emulsions and proposed methods for combating corrosion. The conference participants actively exchanged views and made their proposals for the further development of the field.

During the discussions, it was emphasized that geology, along with nature protection and effective use of subsoil, plays a key role in scientific and technological progress. Particular attention will be paid to comprehensive research and advanced training of specialists, which will have a positive impact on the prospects of the Karazhanbas field.

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