Prospects for cooperation in field of official development assistance discussed in Brussels

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Belgium Margulan Baimukhan met with the Director General of the Belgian Development Agency “Enabel” Jean Van Wetter, cites MFA.
At the beginning of the conversation, Jean Van Wetter expressed hope for a quick stabilization of the flood situation in Kazakhstan.
During the meeting, the parties discussed potential cooperation between Kazakhstan and Belgium in the field of joint official development assistance programs.
Kazakh diplomat congratulated the Belgian organization on its 25th anniversary and emphasized the important role of “Enabel” in providing official development assistance in various countries.
Margulan Baimukhan also noted the activities of the Kazakhstan Agency of International Development “KazAID”. Particular attention was paid to projects of “KazAID” in Central Asia and African countries.
In turn, the head of “Enabel” highly appreciated Kazakhstan’s achievements in the field of digitalization and noted the interest in cooperation with “KazAID” in the field of digitalization in Africa.
Parties agreed to hold an extended meeting with representatives of “KazAID” to discuss prospects for cooperation.
At the end of the meeting, Margulan Baimukhan invited the head of “Enabel” to visit Kazakhstan.