Speaking at the plenary session of the Summit, Head of state emphasized that in the conditions of increased conflict and growth of sanctions and trade wars, international policy has reached a peak of tension.
"We need to use the current Summit of “Asia – Europe” Forum to solve these problems. Unfortunately, at the present stage there is a lack of productive dialogue and mutual understanding in the world. We are all witnesses of the current economic and political confrontation, which can be compared with the Caribbean crisis of the 60s of the last century", — President of Kazakhstan said.
Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that the Summit should call on the United States, Russia, China and the European Union to find solutions to existing differences in the world.
"The situation will only worsen if you do not deal with the settlement of problems in Syria, Ukraine and other countries. International terrorism will remain the main problem as long as there is a threat of ballistic missile proliferation", — Head of state said.
In the context of the deteriorating situation in the world economy, President of Kazakhstan pointed out that in some poor countries the situation is further aggravated, and this poses a serious challenge for all mankind.
"Leaders of the countries found a common language after the Second World War, closely cooperated in the fight against terrorism. I call on the leaders of the United States, Russia, China and the European Union to engage in dialogue and propose using Astana negotiating platform to discuss current issues. This issue can also be considered at a special session of the UN General Assembly", — Nursultan Nazarbayev said.
In conclusion, Head of state once again confirmed the readiness of Kazakhstan to take an active part in the partnership aimed at countering the global challenges of Asia and Europe.