President calls on entrepreneurs to be aware of their responsibility to society and contribute to development of Kazakhstan

"I believe that people who do business and earn money in Kazakhstan should always think not only about their own business, but also about the common good," the Head of State said during his speech at a meeting of the National Qurultay, reports citing Akorda.
- As the Head of State, I am always open to dialogue, I hold meetings with domestic business, expecting from them strategic initiatives and interesting proposals for the development of various sectors of the economy, improving policy in this or that area. But some entrepreneurs raise their own narrow issues first, rather than large-scale issues that concern the entire country. They turn to me with requests to assist their enterprises or give instructions to the authorized bodies to obtain preferences and support specific business projects. There is an obvious desire to act in the old-fashioned way, to lobby their interests, to solve personal issues at the expense of the state.
Meanwhile, big businessmen in many other countries, including neighboring ones, do not ask the state for anything, but, on the contrary, voluntarily invest large amounts of money in the development of their countries. I believe that people who do business and earn money in Kazakhstan should always think not only about their own business, but also about the common good, organically combining private interests with public ones," he said.
The President noted that many businessmen today finance social projects.
- Of course, there are many businessmen in our country who finance social projects, take part in the implementation of charitable and volunteer initiatives. And the state will always recognize and support such entrepreneurs. I understand the sincere, noble motives of businessmen who are building mosques in the regions with their own money. But no less noble and useful would be the construction of new schools, dormitories, hospitals, libraries, museums, and sports complexes. I am sure that descendants will appreciate and be grateful for such specific deeds. It is important for business leaders to be active and socially responsible in everything, helping their compatriots as much as possible. Only in this case it will be possible to talk about the emergence of a truly new national bourgeoisie, capable of creating a competitive economy and ready to honestly serve its people, the Head of State said.