Preparation of sports facilities inventory in regions by Ministry of Culture and Sport to determine actual need for sports facilities

The State has two main tasks for society in the field of physical Culture and Sport, cites .
This is the creation of conditions for physical training of the population of the country and the development of high performance sports. This, speaking at the Government session chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov, the Head of the relevant department Askhat Oralov reported.
According to him, there are four main features of physical training. The first is the availability of physical culture for all age categories of citizens. The second is continuity and continuity of physical education of different age groups of the population. The third feature does not require a high result, that is, "The main thing is not victory, but participation!". The fourth feature is the absence of the need for special training.
At present, the Ministry, together with local executive bodies, is carrying out certain work on the development of physical education.
More than 25,000 mass sports events of various levels are held annually in the republic, covering 1.2 million people, including 500,000 people in rural areas. Especially in recent years, running, marathons, bike rides and cycle marathons, festivals, family competitions and mass skating have been gaining popularity.
"In this regard, one of the important tools to expand the circle of those engaged in physical culture and sport is passing the Presidential tests. Since 2020, 7.6 million people have participated in taking the tests across the country (1.2 million people in 2020, 2.6 million people in 2021, and 3.8 million people in 2022). As a result, today the number of people engaged in physical culture and sport is 38.5% of the population (more than 7.5 million people). In addition, much attention is paid to regular sports and physical education for children," the Minister said.
To that end, more than 800 children's and youth clubs (661 children's and youth clubs and 144 children's and youth physical training clubs) operate in the country. Under the Ministry of Education, more than 49,000 sports sections are functioning in schools in the 2022-2023 school year under the supplementary education program, in which about 1.3 million children participated. This year, more than 190 thousand children are covered by sports clubs under the state sports order.
"Our Ministry is responsible for the project of per capita financing of sports and creative circles. However, this program is currently covered mainly by children in urban areas, and in rural areas it is practically not implemented. To address this issue, the Ministry is working to amend and supplement existing regulations. It is proposed to introduce a division (analysis) of funding into "urban" and "rural" areas," Askhat Oralov said.
The Minister did not hide the problems in the industry. As the analysis showed, the main problem of physical culture development in the country is the lack of necessary sports infrastructure.
"Local akimats take measures to reconstruct and upgrade existing sports facilities, grounds, as well as the construction of inexpensive sports facilities in densely populated areas. However, these measures are currently insufficient. There are more than 43,000 sports facilities in the country, of which more than 23,000 are in rural areas. I would like to note that this year, in accordance with the plan-schedule approved by the Government Resolution, the work on construction of 113 new sports facilities, reconstruction of 20 and retrofitting of 6 existing ones will be continued. Also, the Ministry is conducting an inventory of sports facilities in the regions to determine the actual need," the speaker stressed.
By the way, those engaged in physical education are divided into five categories depending on age and professional specifics. They are preschoolers, schoolchildren, students, working adults and pensioners. The development of physical culture among these five categories of citizens should be organized and systematized.
To this end, school and college leagues are organized annually among pupils and students in sports included in the secondary school curriculum. Due to the lack of a special budgetary program, the leagues are not organized properly, complex sports events among workers and pensioners are not held at all.
According to Askhat Oralov, the Ministry of Culture and Sport together with central and local executive bodies, as well as trade unions will organize leagues to scale, strengthen the potential and raise these leagues to a new level starting from this year.
The Head of Turkestan region, Darkhan Satybaldy, explained why the provision of sports infrastructure in the region is only 31% (the national average is 50%).
According to him, 79,000 square meters of sports halls and 8,000 square meters of swimming pools have been built in the region to provide the population with sports infrastructure.
"According to the presented plan of the Ministry of Culture and Sport within the framework of the national project "Healthy Nation", the indicator of coverage of sports infrastructure at the end of 6 months amounted to 31%, the annual plan is fully implemented. In order to further develop sports infrastructure, several large sports facilities have been built in the region. In particular, the construction of the international tennis center was completed, it was put into operation. An ice palace is under construction in the city of Turkestan, the facility is planned to be put into operation in August. In addition, the following projects are being implemented: reconstruction of the sports complex named after Bekzat Sattarkhanov and construction of a rowing channel. Together with the Ministry of Finance, appropriate work is being done to complete construction works and commissioning of these facilities on time," the akim noted.
In addition, within the framework of the project "Auyl - Yel Besigi" 18 gyms, physical education complexes with a total area of 22.5 thousand square meters are under construction in 18 settlements.
Including 4 objects with an area of 3 thousand square meters will be put into operation by the end of the year, the rest will move to the next year.
"In addition to budget funds, private investors are attracted to the work on providing sports infrastructure. Since the beginning of the year at the expense of private investments 20 objects have been built and put into operation. By the end of the year it is planned to put into operation additional 10 objects at the expense of individual entrepreneurs. In addition, a special road map is being developed for the construction of sports facilities in villages where sports infrastructure is needed. 96 settlements have been identified," Darhan Satybaldy shared his plans.
The question of financing of fast-built modular sports facilities in these settlements at the expense of the public fund "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" is being worked out.
As a result of the work done it is planned to bring the level of coverage of sports infrastructure in the current year to 32.7%, by the results of the next year to 38.4%.