Over 10,000 servicemen mobilised to protect west regions from big water

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov held a working meeting of the Republican headquarters for the coordination of flood control measures and elimination of consequences of floods. The main issue was the situation in the western regions, where the second wave of floods is expected, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.
Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Head of the Headquarters Kanat Bozumbayev reported on the expected arrival of large volumes of water on the river Zhaiyk from the Russian Federation.
In West Kazakhstan region rains are expected. Flooding has begun on the Sakmara River. According to forecasts, water from the upper reaches of the rivers Zhaiyk and Sakmara will come to the territory of West Kazakhstan region in the second decade of April. Currently, the water level in the Zhaiyk River in Uralsk city is 728 cm, and according to expectations, it will approach the critical mark of 850 cm.
In Atyrau region due to the arrival of water from the West Kazakhstan region over the past day at the gauging stations on the river Zhaiyk also observed a slight rise in water levels. The arrival of big water is expected in the beginning of the third ten-day period of April.
By order of the Head of the Government Olzhas Bektenov on the results of his working visits to West Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions mobilised forces and means of akimats, Ministry for Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Guard, Ministry of Defence.
In West Kazakhstan region grouping of forces to carry out rescue work will be brought to 6 thousand people, in Atyrau region up to 4 thousand people. About 4 thousand units of equipment are sent from different regions of the country.
Prime Minister instructed the Ministers of Defence and Internal Affairs to provide additional transfer of personnel and equipment if necessary.
"Maximum mobilisation of forces and means on Uralsk and Atyrau is necessary. Now it is important to divert large water from the settlements. Today begins additional redeployment of military personnel and equipment. Taking into account the speed of water inflow, first of all, we strengthen Uralsk, then Atyrau,"Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.
Head of the Government instructed the akimats of the two regions to provide the arriving servicemen with everything they need, as well as to solve the issue of refuelling of equipment.
As of today, the local emergency regime is still in force in eight regions. A total of 97 thousand residents have been evacuated from flooded areas. As of 11 April, the emergency regimes were lifted in Pavlodar and Abay regions due to the stabilisation of the flood situation.