Our Department is a continuation of a large Assembly, Anatoly Bashmakov
Anatoly Bashmakov is the Head of the first established Department of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Under his leadership a great amount of work is carried out at Department.
— Could you tell about the activity of Department of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan?
—Department of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University was established 4 years ago. Being the head of Department, I thought that we cannot be limited to only one Department of APK at ENU. As a member of the Senate, I contacted the universities of regional centres with suggestion to open a similar department following the example of Eurasian National University. Now there are 42 departments in our country and many universities also plan to open Department of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. Once a year we have large meetings where we exchange opinions, experience and knowledge.
Our Department is a continuation of a large Assembly, its speaker, tribune, discussion platform, where meetings are held. We hold different meetings of clubs, conferences, discussion events. Department of APK invites famous cultural and political figures to ENU. For example, our Department visited Kazakhstan cosmonauts Talgat Mussabayev and Aidyn Aimbetov, athletes Serik Sapiyev and Olga Shishigina, specially invited deputies.
The departments of APK actively work in the field of implementation of the state policy related to the Kazakh model of interethnic relations, which has received great recognition in the world. We also publish an almanac, which publishes speeches of university representatives from all regions. We teach the course “Values of Mangilik el”, where we explain to the first-year students what is the Assembly, what it is established for, about history, culture, traditions of our country, we instill the basis that supposes respect for the native land.
— Do you cooperate with ethno-cultural associations?
— All departments are established in the regions, they work directly with ethno-cultural associations. They have common plans and activities. Our Department is like a small science laboratory, where sociological studies are held, they examine the dynamics of development of inter-ethnic, inter-religious relations of the regions.
— What are the goals and objectives of the Department of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan?
— The Department of APK will contribute to the process of formation of Kazakhstan's civil identity and competitive nation on the basis of Kazakhstan patriotism, civil, spiritual and cultural community of Kazakhstan people with the consolidating role of Kazakh people. In addition, we are conducting a research project on the modernization of public consciousness and Assembly of people of Kazakhstan participates in it through our departments.
—What can you say about the article of the Head of state “Course towards the future: modernization of public consciousness”?
— I always give an example of Einstein's words: “It is harder to crack prejudice than an atom”. This work is designed for decades. It is not so easy to change your habits and consciousness. When I am asked questions: “How should I understand the term “to modernize consciousness”? “How should we start?”. I answer that you need to start with yourself, to raise your inner culture, to be a responsible person”.
—Thank you for your time!
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