

Olzhas Bektenov warns Kazakhstanis to take seriously notification of akimats and special services

Olzhas Bektenov warns Kazakhstanis to take seriously notification of akimats and special services
Фото: primeminister.kz 02.04.2024 14:41 996

The current flood situation in the country was considered at the Government session chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov. Reports on the topic were made by the Ministers of Ecology and Natural Resources, Water Resources and Irrigation, Deputy Minister for Emergency Situations and Akims of the regions,El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

Deputy Minister for Emergency Situations Bauyrzhan Syzdykov reported that the Ministry continues to coordinate actions to eliminate the consequences of flooding. From the first hours involved forces and means of units of the Ministry for Emergency Situations, akimats, the Ministry of Defence, Interior, National Guard, National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Reaction is carried out promptly, cooperation is coherent. 

Flood situation is consistently difficult: in the western regions there is a slight drop in water, in the central, northern and eastern part of the country is an intensive rise in river levels. Five regions remain in the flood zone, Akimats have declared 20 local emergencies. The situation remains difficult in Aktobe, West Kazakhstan and Kostanay regions. There immediately mobilised and redeployed forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. 

In the regions, emergency rescue work continues. Citizens with disabilities, the elderly, women and children are evacuated from emergency zones as a priority. A total of 15,786 people were rescued during the flood period, including 6,187 minors. At present, 4,113 people, including 1,911 children, are in temporary accommodation centres. In settlements where the flood has not entered its active phase, preventive measures have been strengthened to prevent flooding.

Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov, in turn, informed that at the beginning of the flood period on 94 reservoirs of republican property were created free capacity to receive flood waters and their passage. As of 1 March, the average free capacity of reservoirs was 60%. 

Prime Minister instructed the Minister of Defence to provide all necessary support to the Ministry for Emergency Situations in the form of technical assistance and personnel. Prime Minister noted that flooding this year occurs even in areas where floods have never been recorded before. Work on evacuation is complicated by the conviction of residents in the absence of such a need. 

"I ask Kazakhstanis to take very seriously the notification of akimats and special services, listen to them and accept forced inconvenience. This will save lives. Evacuation is aimed precisely at ensuring your safety!" Prime Minister said. 

Olzhas Bektenov emphasised that none of the victims would be left without help from the state.

Head of the Government at the end of the Government session gave a number of specific instructions:

  • The Ministry for Emergency Situations together with the Ministry for Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defence to take the necessary measures to ensure safety and rescue of people, with early evacuation;
  • The Ministry for Emergency Situations together with other power structures to attract sufficient forces and means to carry out timely rescue and emergency work in flooded settlements;
  • Akimats to take exhaustive measures to prevent flooding in the northern, eastern and central regions of the country, taking into account the response to floods in Aktobe, West Kazakhstan and Kostanay regions. 
  • The Ministry for Emergency Situations together with interested state bodies and akimats to develop a plan for flood prevention for 2025-2029;
  • The Ministries for Emergency Situations, National Economy, Finance, Transport, Construction, Water Resources and regional akimats should immediately begin to assess the amount of damage caused by the disaster and provide material assistance to the affected people. 
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