Olzhas Bektenov visits Badamsha village in Aktobe region

Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov as part of a working trip to Aktobe region checked the implementation of the President's message "Fair Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, social optimism". In particular, on the example of a number of facilities in the village of Badamsha, the head of the Government familiarised himself with the solution of infrastructure problems in the energy sector and improving the quality of education, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.
During a visit to the wind power plant of the Italian energy company ENI, Prime Minister was informed about the functioning of wind power plants "Badamsha", "Badamsha-2". 69 billion tenge of private investments have been invested in the implementation of these projects. At the moment the turbines of "Badamsha-2" are the largest in Kazakhstan. Annual electricity generation under the project is about 195 GWh, which is equivalent to the energy consumption of about 37 thousand households and allows to reduce CO2 emissions by 172 thousand tonnes per year.
In addition, the Head of the Government was informed about the progress of the joint project with JSC NC KazMunayGas - hybrid power plant in Zhanaozen, Mangystau region.
During the inspection of Arm Wind production facilities, Prime Minister noted the importance of combining economic stability with environmental sustainability and stressed the need for further development of energy infrastructure with a focus on decarbonisation and zero emissions.
Overall, Aktobe Oblast consumes an average of 947 MW of power, of which 496 MW (52%) is generated by local sources. Electricity deficit is 451 MW (48%). Based on the dynamics of load growth, as well as KEGOC's forecast, it is planned that by 2028 the volume of electricity consumption in Aktobe region will be 1,270 MW.
"Wind and solar power plants are an important part of the overall effort to increase the share of “green” energy in Kazakhstan, today they provide 6% of the total electricity in the country.At the same time, about 70% of the country's energy sector depends on coal-fired power plants.Unfortunately, the high level of wear and tear of CHPPs in the country and the growing volume of needs leads to energy dependence. We see this on the example of Aktobe Oblast, which purchases electricity from the northern regions of Kazakhstan and Russia. For long-term energy stability, our country needs an alternative source of constant energy," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.
As you know, on 6 October a national referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan will be held. If supported by the people, the development of nuclear energy will provide the country with a stable and environmentally friendly energy supply.
As part of the execution of the President's instructions in Kazakhstan modernised about 1 thousand schools in small towns and villages, purchased more than 1.5 thousand subject classrooms.
"Quality education should be available to all residents regardless of where they live. To reduce the gap in the quality of education between urban and rural areas is one of the main priorities of the Government.And in this direction we fully support active business interested in the social welfare and development of our citizens, especially in the villages," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.
In Badamsha village Prime Minister inspected the results of modernisation of secondary school № 2. The educational institution, built 55 years ago, was one of the first in the region to enter the republican project "Development of the potential of reference schools in rural areas". Modern furniture, interactive panels, computers have been purchased, STEAM-lab, ART-studio, TV studio, music room, Intellectum hall, library, assembly and sports halls have been equipped.
Prime Minister got acquainted with the new elements of the educational process, which became available at the school after modernisation. Schoolchildren presented their projects in the field of biodiversity protection and conservation, analysis and study of plant properties that can be used in medicine, ecology, security, etc.
Daniyar Toktarbayev, director of the Fund for Sustainable Development of Education, said the programme aims to open one reference school in each of Kazakhstan's 169 district centres and 27 single-industry towns. In Aktobe region today 12 support schools have been created, each of which is assigned to 3 small schools. In just 3 years of the project implementation, 135 rural schools in the country have been upgraded, and 5,000 teachers have participated in the professional development programme. Leading teachers of the NISH monitor the quality of education, conduct an intensive training programme for rural teachers and provide them with methodological support.