Olzhas Bektenov presents new ministers

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov introduced the new heads of the Ministry of National Economy, Finance, Emergency Situations and Healthcare, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.
Addressing the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of National Economy Nurlan Baibazarov, the Head of Government noted that the agency faces big and ambitious tasks.
"The Ministry of National Economy is the main engine of reforms and realization of the set tasks for the implementation of economic breakthrough. All the necessary resources, I think, are available. Most importantly, I would like to focus the Ministry on active work without formalism, bureaucracy, unnecessary meetings. More deeds, less words,"Olzhas Bektenov said.
Introducing the staff of the Ministry of Finance Madi Takiyev, the Prime Minister emphasized that it is one of the most important bodies of state administration.
"Therefore, both the Head of State and I, as Prime Minister, count on clear, proactive work of the Ministry of Finance in all areas," Olzhas Bektenov said.
Having presented Chingis Arinov to the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Prime Minister outlined the key areas of work of the agency.
"Recently in Almaty the Head of State has recently expressed quite serious criticism of the Ministry after the last earthquake. The Ministry for Emergency Situations faces very serious tasks to modernize the systems of response and prevention of emergency situations. I think Chingis Sairanovich will honorably fulfill the tasks set by the President,"Prime Minister said.
During the presentation of Akmaral Alnazarova to the staff of the Ministry of Healthcare Olzhas Bektenov noted her experience and high professional competencies.
The Ministry faces the tasks to modernize and further improve the efficiency of the health care system.
"This is the most important direction of the state policy. All of us together should make efforts to raise the health care system to a new level. We will fully assist in this," Olzhas Bektenov concluded.
Prime Minister warmly thanked for the work done by all former ministers who were not included in the new composition of the Government.