Olzhas Bektenov on agrarian support: Soft loans for first time reached 580 billion tenge

The Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered the measures taken to increase agricultural production, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.
The Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov and akims of a number of regions reported on the work carried out in this direction. The progress of implementation by the regions of the Roadmap, implemented in order to achieve the task set by the President to increase the volume of gross agricultural output by two times within five years was considered.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, for 6 months of 2024, the volume of gross agricultural output increased by 3.4% and amounted to 1.6 trillion tenge. The index of physical volume (IPV) of livestock production amounted to 103.5%, IPV of crop production 103%. Achievement of the planned indicator at the level of 11.6% will be achieved in the 2nd half of the year, after the completion of harvesting works.
"An important direction of our work is the qualitative and timely fulfillment of the Roadmap for doubling the volume of gross agricultural output for 2024-2028. This year's plan to increase gross output of the industry is 111%. According to the results of 6 months, the growth amounted to 103%. At the same time, we will see the effect of crop production in the fall. On the instructions of the Head of State, all necessary conditions for the development of the industry have been created. Kazakhstan should fully provide itself with all basic foodstuffs and export them. The government will allocate all necessary resources for this purpose. Development of agriculture is one of the main tasks, which is under my special contro,l” Olzhas Bektenov emphasized, instructing the Ministry of Agriculture together with regional akimats to take exhaustive measures to achieve the indicators of the Roadmap.
The total sown area in Kazakhstan in 2024 amounted to 23.8 million hectares. Diversification plans for the current year have been fully achieved. Thus, the area of wheat was reduced by 450.3 thousand hectares, oilseed crops were increased by 608 thousand hectares, sugar beet by 9.4 thousand hectares. The area of water-intensive crops was reduced: rice by 6.9 thousand hectares, cotton by 16 thousand hectares.
Positive results were noted in Kyzylorda oblast on the implementation of the Road Map. The indicator on reduction of sown areas of rice and introduction of water-saving technologies was overfulfilled in the region. The region has fulfilled the plan on mineral fertilizers application by 100%.
In order to support the industry, this year the channels of financing for agrarians have been expanded to the maximum extent possible, including through the involvement of social and business corporations. Direct subsidizing of financial institutions and guaranteeing loans of agro-industrial complex subjects have been introduced.
Prime Minister noted that the coverage of agrarians with preferential financing should be brought to 100%, including through social and business corporations.
Significant funds have been allocated for spring field work and leasing of agricultural machinery. For the first time the volume of preferential lending reached 580 billion tenge - in previous years this volume did not exceed 180 billion tenge. The measures taken allowed agrarians to carry out all the necessary agro-technical activities in full. At the same time, the share of elite seeds used by them increased from 7.1% to 9%.
At the end of 6 months in the agricultural sector attracted 410 billion tenge of investment. The planned volume for the current year is 1.7 trillion tenge. Head of the Government emphasized the need for quality monitoring and control over the implementation of priority investment projects.
If for the whole 2023 year 679 thousand tons of fertilizers were applied, farmers purchased 1.1 million tons of fertilizers in the half-year period alone. Olzhas Bektenov stressed that it is necessary to bring the annual level of application of mineral fertilizers to 1.5 million tons.
Prime Minister noted that timely measures to combat locusts are of paramount importance for the future harvest. For this purpose 4.2 billion tenge is provided from the republican budget. In addition, 3.9 billion tenge has been allocated from the reserve of the Government. More than 400 units of special equipment are involved in chemical treatments. As of today, protective measures have been completed in most regions. A lot of work has been done, as a result of which the mass spread of locusts has been prevented.
In preparation for the harvesting period, regional akimats have been instructed to ensure full readiness of grain receiving enterprises to accept grain of the new harvest and organize uninterrupted operation of the bread processing plants before the beginning of all works.