Olzhas Bektenov gets acquainted with implementation of Head of State's instructions on socio-economic development of Zhetisu region

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov within the framework of his working trip to the region of Zhetisu familiarised himself with the socio-economic development of the region and gave a number of instructions on the development of agribusiness, manufacturing, tourism and measures to support SMEs to increase their contribution to the economy, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.
On arrival in the region at the airport in Usharal town of Alakol district, Head of the Government was reported on the functioning of the runway, which as a result of reconstruction can accommodate large aircrafts. The facility is of particular importance for the development of tourism given the growth of tourist flow. Today there are flights from Astana, Almaty and Taldykorgan. This year 653 million tenge was allocated to subsidise flights, which allowed to sell about 20 thousand tickets at the cost of 8,000-18,000 tenge.
Akim of the region Zhetisu Beibit Isabayev reported that in the framework of fulfilment of the President's instruction on the development of small aviation, given at the meeting on tourism development in June this year, design and estimate documentation is being developed for the construction of an additional terminal at the airport of Usharal with a capacity of up to 75 passengers per hour. Taking into account the current infrastructure, the facilities will serve up to 125 passengers per hour. In general, last year the region was visited by 2 million holidaymakers, 17 new tourism facilities were introduced with the attraction of 3.5 billion tenge of private investment. To further develop the tourism industry, Prime Minister instructed to strengthen work on attracting investment and creating appropriate infrastructure.
According to the results of the half-year short-term economic indicator of the region Zhetisu was 110.7%. Thus, the volume of trade increased by 23%, the volume of construction works - by 33.8% or 1.3 times, communications - by 7.5%. In general, the region's potential is represented by agro-industrial complex, manufacturing industry, logistics. The share of agro-industrial complex in the structure of the region's economy is 15.2%. The growth in agriculture was 1.2% in January-June this year. For the development of the industry since 2022, 1.2 million hectares of unused land have been identified and returned to state ownership, of which over 800 thousand hectares have been brought into agricultural turnover. Work is underway to increase crop yields by restoring irrigation networks and applying innovative agricultural technologies.
According to the akimat, taking into account the harvesting campaign, the growth of industry indicators is expected. Head of the Government Olzhas Bektenov emphasised that this year the financing of the agro-industrial complex industry in the region has been increased. 23 billion tenge is aimed at increasing the interest rate subsidy on loans to small and medium-sized businesses. In this regard, the Ministry of Agriculture together with the Akimat has been instructed to pay special attention to the development of agriculture and the processing sector.
In order to develop manufacturing industry with a share in GRP of 11.2 per cent in the region on the instructions of the Prime Minister, work is underway to expand the existing production indicators and reach full capacity. These measures cover Alatsem LLP, Kainar AKB, Almaz Ceramics, ASMA Indastrial, SA Feed Mills, Miami Solar, Suffle Kazakhstan Malt Factory, Aksu Sugar Factory. The launch of the previously idle enterprise "Agrocomplex Zhetisu Mazhiko" is also under consideration.
In total, the region has 554 industrial enterprises (including 11 backbone), which employ over 29 thousand people. This year it is planned to implement 58 investment projects with the creation of more than 1.5 thousand jobs. Since the beginning of the year, a total of 136.6 billion tenge of investments have been attracted with a 1.4-fold increase, including private investments increased 2-fold to 103.5 billion tenge.
By the end of 2024 it is planned to attract 375 billion tenge of investments. Head of the Government instructed to strengthen work on attracting investors to open new production facilities. The main factor in attracting investment in the economy are the measures taken to develop infrastructure.
This year sections of the republican highways "Taldykorgan - Usharal" (287-615 km) and "Saryozek - Koktal" (45-68 km) will be put into operation. The repair of the Lepsy-Lake Balkhash motorway (0-27 km) has also been completed. By the end of the year 90 km of the road "Almaty-Ust-Kamenogorsk-Lepsy-Aktogai" will be provided with asphalt surface, the remaining 15 km - until the tourist season of 2025. The plan for the current year - repair of 182 km of roads of regional importance and internal streets of 54 settlements. In general, by the end of the year the region will receive 336 km of roads of the second and third category, which will increase the share of regional roads in good and satisfactory condition from 93% to 95%.
Positive dynamics in improving the state of social infrastructure has been noted. Thus, since the formation of the region, social facilities that required major repairs and new construction have been renovated by an average of 50 per cent. In addition, at least 349 thousand m2 of housing is planned to be commissioned in the region by the end of the year. 13.4 billion tenge is envisaged for the purchase of 866 flats for socially vulnerable groups of the population.