


04.02.2019 11:49 1461

As part of “Vstrecha centre network” project, computer literacy courses for the older generation, organized by German Wiedergeburt Society in Astana and Akmola Region started its work.

Assembly of people of Kazakhstan has developed and is carrying out various activities to implement the instructions of Elbassy. In addition to the projects available to the advisory and consultative body, separate plans of APK structures have been launched.

Public association has organized courses to improve computer literacy of the elderly under the auspices of the calendar of charitable events of the Assembly "Caravan of Mercy" for the current year.

Today, the Internet is an integral part of our lives and an indispensable means of communication, so the issue of increasing the computer literacy of older people is becoming particularly important.

The younger generation has easily mastered modern technologies, while the older generation needs to be trained. The World Wide Web is a serious science for them. Older people, due to various circumstances, are far from the attributes of the online world (social networks, e-mail and others), especially for single seniors, who also need to communicate, both live and virtual.

The main objective of the project is to enable elderly people to communicate via the Internet with their loved ones living in other cities and countries, to use the information they are interested in, to communicate more often with young people and with each other in the classroom.

Computer Literacy for the elderly is taught in groups of three twice a week at a convenient time for the seniors. The program includes the basics of working with computers, basic knowledge about Internet resources, registration in social networks, use of modern digital services (electronic digital signature, obtaining certificates) and much more.

Despite the fact that the classes have started not so long ago, a lot of feedback has already been received from grateful students.

"I would like to thank you for the excellent opportunity to learn how to work with computers. Children and grandchildren do not always have the time or opportunity to help us deal with this process, and so we want to keep up with the modern world. Thank you to society for taking care of us," said Alexandra Korotkova, one of the students.

As noted in the public association, it is never too late to study.

"Of course, it's a bit difficult for us yet, but we try. We are especially glad that we will be able to communicate with our relatives and friends who live in Germany and Russia! Thank you very much!" - Elena Bolgova said.

The project is planned for three months (January-March 2019). If the target group is interested, it will be long-term.

"Now the groups are being trained for three months. If one of them wants to continue the training, they will continue to attend the courses. Otherwise, we will recruit new groups. At the moment, we have 18 people studying with us," the organization explained.

They added that the project is a part of the global program "Digital Kazakhstan" – it is planned to increase the digital literacy of the country's population up to 80% by 2020, increasing the number of Internet users and digital services.

"The young generation should follow the example of our active seniors and never stop there!” was stated by public association.

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