

Nur-Sultan eases COVID-19 quarantine restrictions

Nur-Sultan eases COVID-19 quarantine restrictions
Фото: elorda.info 17.08.2022 14:30 888

Deputy Chief Sanitary Doctor of Nur-Sultan Zhanna Pralieva signed a new decree on easing quarantine measures in the capital, El.kz reports with reference to the interdepartmental commission.

In accordance with the decree Akimat of Nur-Sultan, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Nur-Sultan, state bodies, law enforcement and special bodies, individuals and legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership have to recommend: wearing masks when visiting crowded places (bus stations, shopping and entertainment centers, trading houses, covered markets, concert halls, theaters, cinemas, public service centers (PSCs), banks, stadiums and other sports facilities, etc.), in organized groups, as well as when traveling in public transport, with the exception of children under the age of 5 years and during meals," the text says.

According to the document, state bodies need to conduct explanatory work among the population about the need for vaccination and revaccination against coronavirus.


The resolution also states the need to carry out disinfection measures at facilities with a possible mass gathering of people and in public transport.

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