

New digital systems for tracking medicines and unified waiting list for kindergartens to be launched in Kazakhstan in 2024

New digital systems for tracking medicines and unified waiting list for kindergartens to be launched in Kazakhstan in 2024
Фото: primeminister.kz 20.10.2023 17:52 3597

The information system for the control of medicines and the Unified database of kindergarten waiting lists will be launched in Kazakhstan next year. The corresponding digital solutions were presented to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov at a meeting in the Government, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

The system of tracking of medicines will allow to solve a number of problems at once. In particular, to exclude the possibility of additions and false write-offs of drugs in medical organizations, to monitor retail prices, balances and expiration dates of drugs. 

For complete control, a two-dimensional unique Data Matrix code will be applied to each package. As a result, it will be possible to track the full turnover of drugs in the republic in online mode from the moment of production to use. 

"The system will significantly reduce the risk of shadow trade in medicines and help to effectively plan their centralized procurement. In general, the platform can track the stock of drugs down to the number of pills," Deputy Minister of Healthcare Beibut Esenbayev said. 

It was noted that increased transparency in this area will allow to identify possible counterfeit products, as well as control the approved retail prices of drugs. 

Residents of the country will be fully protected from counterfeits. The consumer can have no doubts about the legality of purchased medicines, their safety for life and health," Deputy Prime Minister Tamara Duisenova emphasized.

Currently, the project is being implemented in pilot mode. It is planned to implement the control system from July 2024.

Prime Minister instructed to work out in detail the entire functionality of the platform to make it as effective as possible and at the same time convenient to use at the level of hospitals, polyclinics, rural health facilities and pharmacies.

Head of the Government was also presented the Unified database of registration of the waiting list for kindergartens. It is designed for the convenience of parents and to ensure full transparency of the distribution of places in preschool organizations. 

Thus, through the state portal Egov.kz or mobile applications of second-tier banks will be able to choose up to four kindergartens to put a child in the queue and then monitor the status of their application online. As soon as a place is available in one of the institutions, the parent will be notified accordingly. In general, the whole procedure from the choice of kindergarten to the conclusion of the contract will be held in electronic format. 

Prime Minister stressed that the system should work in such a way as to exclude double waiting lists for preschool organizations and associated corruption risks.

Now this digital solution is being tested in pilot mode. The launch of a unified base is scheduled for January 2024.


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