

Nazarbayev’s era

Nazarbayev’s era
26.03.2019 04:46 1273

Like all Kazakhstanis, I listened to the President's address to the people with special excitement. Such decisions are not easy to make, because long thirty tense, incredibly difficult years of governing the country are behind, which has overcome the hardships of the transition period and eventually embarked on the path of dynamic development.

Many politicians have expressed and continue to express their admiration for the great role of Leader of the Nation as the founder of an independent state and a united nation.

President has always cared for his people and the younger generation, as he sees the future of the country in the youth.

All these achievements were made possible thanks to the popular support of the beloved Leader, national unity. The Assembly of people of Kazakhstan led by him is the true core of the Kazakhstani model of peace and accord. How grateful are all hundred minorities of the Great Steppe country to APK’s Chairman Nursultan Nazarbayev for our strong, unbreakable friendship!

Today, speaking about Nursultan Nazarbayev’s decision to resign his presidency, we outline an entire era of development - the era of Nazarbayev. And its achievements are impressive!

Chaos, impoverishment, social division, civil war, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional tensions, rampant crime, social and political upheaval under the scenario of "colored" revolutions are not allowed thanks to wise and balanced policy.

The country has successfully overcome two world crises, proving its solvency. At the same time, "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy was implemented ahead of schedule, which ensured that the republic entered the fifty most competitive countries of the world.

Outstanding politician and strategist, Nursultan Nazarbayev confidently led a ship called Kazakhstan along the fairway of world politics.

Our task is to continue the course of our President. The course of success and greatness of the country. A solid foundation has been laid for this. Five institutional reforms have been adopted, the Plan of the Nation "Modern State for All", and society has actively engaged in social and spiritual modernization.

Our best support for Nursultan Nazarbayev is honest and dedicated work for the benefit of Kazakhstan.


Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan – Head of APK's Secretariat of the Executive Office the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Zhanseit Tuimebayev


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