Motherhood is a great mission of a woman, Zhanar Kenzhegaliyeva
Zhanar Kenzhegaliyeva is the Chairman of the Mothers’ Council of Karaganda region. She has devoted major part of her life to education and law enforcement and shared her plans in the work to be undertaken in the Mothers’ Council.
– Tell us about yourself, your activity.
–I started working at 19 as a nursery school teacher in our city, I worked for about 7 years in this field. Then I continued my activity in law enforcement agencies, where I worked until merited retirement.
I was given awards and incentives of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Department of Internal Affairs.
I began my activity as a member of Mothers’ Council of Karaganda region in 2016 as a professional mediator of the private foundation Conflict Resolution Centre “Dialogue”.
– What activities are held within the framework of the Council?
–Members of the Mothers’ Council take an active part in social, political and cultural events in our region. We organize preventive work to achieve zero tolerance among young people to radical and extremist manifestations in the sphere of religious relations. It is planned to hold meetings of the Mothers’ Council of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan in Karkaraly and Zhanaarka districts of the region, where the issues of strengthening the basic values of the Family and moral direction of the current youth and the younger generation will be discussed.
– What projects are being implemented in cooperation with schools and orphanages?
– Mothers’ Council implemented a draft Memorandum on cooperation between the Secretariat of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and State Institution “Department of education of Karaganda region”, where the development of Mediation Institute in cities and districts of the region, cooperation in the field of moral and spiritual education are implemented within the framework of the Memorandum. The aim of the project is to strengthen the legal culture and legal awareness of the population, to promote the development of mediation and other alternative ways to resolve conflicts; to strengthen the institutions of family and motherhood, the implementation of measures for the cultivation of family values.
– Do you have any activities planned for the upcoming Family Day and Mother's Day?
– Members of the Mothers’ Council will participate in the competition “Mereyli otbasy”.
– Zhanar Beissenbekovna, what is the mother's mission?
– Motherhood is a great mission of a woman. A mother finds herself in selfless love dedicated to children. Children are the most precious to her. Mother's happiness is the happiness of her children. She can be strict, demanding, because she feels a great responsibility for them, wishes them well. Mother is the child’s first teacher and friend, the closest and faithful one.
– What work is being done to understand the importance of the family in society?
– We must preserve our traditions and spiritual culture. The basis of everything are laid in the family, parents are more responsible for the child upbringing than society. Now we see a large number of orphans in Kazakhstan, including our region. But leaving children is unusual for traditional order. Children are particularly vulnerable now, and we continue to work with orphanages, children's homes, so that every child feels protected.
We are facing difficult tasks, a lot of work is being done, and there is still much to be done. However, we can say with confidence that the work carried out every year gives more and more effective results.
— Thank you for your time!
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