

Majilis approves bill on ban of single-use e-cigarettes in Kazakhstan

Majilis approves bill on ban of single-use e-cigarettes in Kazakhstan
Фото: Pexels.com 24.01.2024 14:25 2329

Deputies of the Majilis of Kazakhstan adopted a bill to ban the manufacture, advertising or supply of single-use e-cigarettes, including vapes, El.kz reports.

At the plenary session of the Majilis, deputy Guldara Nurumova explained that the law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts on Healthcare" includes new provisions. "The bill to ban on the import, production, sale and advertising of single-use e-cigarettes," she said.

Health Minister Azhar Giniyat has raised concerns that great majority of vapes contain nicotine, and children are becoming addicted.

According to research, every second schoolchild in Kazakhstan buys vapes.

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