


29.01.2019 05:48 2099

Mainura Buribayeva, professor of L.N. ENU and a member of Science Council under APK told about activity of Science Council and future projects in the interview to our website.

—Tell about yourself. How did you start your actitivity?

—I was born in Almaty region, in Kegen village. After graduating from school with honours, I entered Philology Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The study was interesting, although I will not deny, it was hard for me – a rural girl to study at first, because such masters as Z. Akhmetov, R.K., R. Zuyeva, M. Bagizbayeva, V. Issengaliyeva, N. Gainullina, S. Madzigon, G. Morozova, A. Amanzholov, V. Lee, E. Suleimenova, N. Shaimerdenova, A. Zhaksylykov and others gave lectures and conducted seminars for us. Of course, it is impossible to list all of them, but each of them left an indelible trace in my memory. I admired their lectures: the way they talk about the language, about some literary works, knowledge of the global trends in language and literature development. I liked their profile as lecturers and their correct treatment of students. And, if my rural teachers instilled love for reading and basic literacy, the university teachers with their daily, conscientious work inspired me to love the scientific search, opened for me the world of philological science in general.

N. Shaimerdenova, who gave lectures on "Old Slavic language" and "Introduction to Slavic philology", brought me to the specific linguistic science. She gave us different words so that we could restore their etymology, search in different dictionaries, compare them with other languages, restore "praform" of words. In a word, she taught us to carry out comparative historical research. We stayed in the library for a long time, sometimes we had to look for individual articles by scientists. From the second year of my studies I had already defined the theme of my thesis "Functioning of Greekisms in the Monuments of Russian Writing". For this purpose, Nursulu Zhamalbekovna sent me to Associate Professor G. Morozova, a rare expert of ancient literature. We learned ancient Greek language during the big breaks at her home, we could sit on the street – on the bench near the university. The texts were translated from ancient Greek language. She was fluent in Latin and Greek, she could read the works of Horace, Homer, Ovidius by heart during her classes.

So I gradually got involved in research activities. Later, when I entered Master’s degree programme, then the post-graduate course of the same university, together with N. Shaimerdenova defined the theme of my thesis – about Turkisms in the monuments of Russian writing, which remained my favorite one for the rest of my life. The given theme has interested many scientists of Kazakhstan and Russia, I have published three monographies, and the book "Turkisms in Russian language: from variants to a norm" in 2016 has been marked with Ch. Valikhanov award "For the best scientific work in the field of humanities" by Ministry of Education and Science of RK.

So, I was lucky in my life with Teachers – they were selfless, honest, and most importantly - devoted to their work.

—What kind of scientific activity is held under the Science Council?

— It was a great honour for me to become a member of the Assembly’s SEC. I used to meet with many members of the Expert Council as an expert and participant in the events, but now I am officially elected and I understand how responsible it is.

For me, all this is a great school of science, public work and diplomacy, and it is also an approbation of the results of our research.

—What projects within the framework of Scientific and Expert Council are expected in the future?

—A lot of projects have been implemented within the framework of SEC APK, time and public demands will show what projects will be carried out soon.  At present we are working on the project “Epoch and personality”. The project is devoted to popularization of scientific works and methodology of research of scientists of Kazakhstan – outstanding personalities, and also scientists of foreign countries, who to some extent had a connection with Kazakhstan science and culture. Under this project, events dedicated to a specific personality are held in different cities and at different sites: in kindergarten, school, universities, educational centers and libraries. We give open lectures, hold scientific and practical seminars, conferences, publish (or restore) unpublished works of scientists. With this project we contribute to the implementation of "Rukhani zhangyru" programme.

—What does the Assembly mean to you?

—For me, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan is a unique platform for personal communication and cultural dialogue. It is here that we can openly speak about the painful issues, about the aspirations and desires of Kazakhstan ethnicities. Nowhere in the world is there a state that allocates all possible resources for the development of languages and cultures of all its ethnic groups. For this purpose "Kogamdyk kelisim" state institutions are created in all regions of Kazakhstan at mayor’s offices of cities and areas, every year the quantity of Friendship Houses increases, financing and many other things increases as well.

—What is your opinion Kazakhstan's model of social harmony and national unity?

According to many world experts, Kazakhstan's model is unique in its idea and structural component. In my opinion, Kazakhstan is now recognized in the world thanks to this model. For many years to come, we will be talked: “Kazakhstan is a country that is strong as a single family, a country of the Great Steppe with great people”.

I am a patriot of my country, my university and my city. As a citizen of Kazakhstan, I will do my best to make our land prosper, and our children in different languages proudly say, "I am a Kazakhstan citizen!”



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