

Leonid Prokopenko: It Is Necessary To Create Mediation Development Concept

Leonid Prokopenko: It Is Necessary To Create Mediation Development Concept
05.08.2019 16:31 3423

 NUR-SULTAN – The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in Nur-Sultan organized the Republican Science & Practice Conference on the theme: "The role of mediation in the modernization of civil society" with the participation of representatives of judicial and law enforcement bodies, justice bodies, "Nur Otan" party, trade unions, ethno-cultural associations, members of the Scienсe and Expert Group, Сouncils of Public Consent and Mothers of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Nur-Sultan, prominent scientists specializing in mediation, professional mediators invited from the regions, and school activities.


The main purpose of the scientific-practical conference is to develop a system of measures to strengthen and further develop the institution of mediation in ensuring public concord and national unity, including the development of rules of professional ethics of public mediator, the definition of criteria for the concept of "public mediator" (establishment of clear requirements for the education and qualification of mediators) for the qualitative conclusion of mediation agreements, training courses, seminars and workshops for public mediators.

Leonid Prokopenko: It Is Necessary To Create Mediation Development Concept

Opening the conference, Leonid Prokopenko, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, noted the importance of mediation in the life of society.


"Mediation is a saving for the parties involved in this process. Mediation is the speed at which contentious issues can be resolved without additional costs to those involved in the process. It is also a social tool that ensures that there are no losers or winners. But mediation in Kazakhstan acts in two ways: as a legal institution and as a public institution that not only provides an alternative solution to judicial issues, but above all ensures the development of society without conflict," Deputy Head of APK's Secretariat said.


The development of mediation will depend on increased public confidence in the law enforcement judicial system, Leonid Propenko said. Being at the reception of citizens in the Executive Office of the President, he noted that 90% of citizens' appeals are connected with illegal court sentences.

"First of all, the source of the conflict is very often one side - citizens, the other side - the state bodies, which due to one way or another to negligence, weakness of the legislative reasons becomes an obstacle to the realization of civil interests.


The third task is to improve the institution of mediation. Additional mechanisms are needed to clearly define the role of each of the actors in the law enforcement system. It is very important to raise public awareness and trust in mediation with the help of an authorized body. I think that the issue of creating a concept for the development of mediation in the country is high on the agenda. We must understand where we are going, see the prospects, and understand the role of public, professional and judicial mediation," Leonid Prokopenko concluded.


Within the framework of strengthening advocacy work in the field of mediation, it is planned to publish a collection of scientific articles and development of scientific and methodological materials on the mediation procedure for use in mediation practice. The collection will be additionally uploaded on the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan’s website.


Within the framework of the United Republican Mediation Day in the capital's House of Friendship, in the public receptions of the city branch of the party "Nur Otan", the trade union center of the city, Almaty district court held an "Open Day" of mediation rooms under the auspices of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Reception of citizens was held by representatives of state bodies, public figures, experts and lawyers. Also the participants of the seminar training received the certificates.

Dana Tugambekova

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