

Leader of the Kazakh intelligentsia

Leader of the Kazakh intelligentsia
05.02.2018 12:45 1323

In the library of the House of Friendship, on the occasion of the 145th birthday of Ahmet Baitursynov, an evening of memory was held for the "Kazak halkinin uli kosemi". The event was attended by the Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philology ZKITU Abdulmanov Altynbek Abutaliyevich, students, students of schools, employees of the libraries of the city.

The aim of the event was to acquaint students with the life and work of a prominent Kazakh public figure, poet, scientist, Turkologist, translator, teacher, publicist, editor of the newspaper "Kazakh", one of the leaders of Alashorda Ahmet Baitursynov. Raising in students a sense of aesthetics, patriotism, moral qualities.

At the beginning of the event the librarian Shukirova Botagoz Sisengalievna told about the biography of Akhmet Baitursynov, a video was shown. Then the floor was presented to Associate Professor ZKITU A.Abdulmanov. He told that Akhmet Baytursynov left a rich scientific heritage, he was a staunch supporter of the unity of the Turkic-speaking peoples, the founder of the domestic linguistic science, the author of the Kazakh alphabet. After that, students of grade 7a, Moldabayeva Ainaz, Abdulova Araylym, Malikova Aimir, Amangalieva Saltanat, Orahova Dilyara, Eldoskizi Fariza read by heart the poems of the poet. Then students of ZKITU 3 course philological faculty Sagatbaeva Asel and Sundetkaliev Gulain conducted a game-training on the work of Ahmet Baitursynov. At the end of the event was conducted a literature review of the book exhibition called "Maktan tutar uli tulga".

The result of the event was the understanding that the whole life of Ahmet Baitursynov was permeated with ardent concern for the self-determination of the Kazakhs, the development of culture, education and science, preservation of the unique national creativity of the Kazakh nation in the centuries. Taking into account the invaluable merits of Baytursynov before the Kazakh people, he is called the leader of the Kazakh intelligentsia.

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