Kyzylorda schoolchildren win prizes at XII Nauryz meetings

At the XII Nauryz meetings "Biomedicine, Engineering and Technology", students of the Kyzylorda Intellectual School Raushan Turganbay and Zhuldyzay Munaytbasova took the I and III places, reports with reference to the press service of the akimat of Kyzylorda region.
This year's competition is dedicated to global trends in modern medicine: the introduction of artificial intelligence into various healthcare industries.
The home electrocardiograph, developed by Zhuldyzai Munaitbasova, is able to diagnose heart disease.
"In the world, 2 million people have heart disease. Another 40 thousand suffer from stroke every year. On the Arduino platform, we have created an apparatus that can detect heart disorders”, Zhuldyzay Munaytbasova said
Raushan Turganbay presented a system for identifying patients by biometric parameters, which is able to determine the characteristics of the human body by fingerprints.
"This technology has no analogues in the world," says Raushan Turganbay. "Its use in the field of first aid will significantly improve the quality of services.
A team of Kyzylorda intellectuals also presented an apparatus for monitoring and correcting the human spine, smart glasses for the visually impaired. According to the results of the competition, Zhuldyzai won a bronze medal, and Raushan received a grant to study at the Kazakh-British Technical University.