

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan
13.08.2019 10:59 3233

Korean Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea was opened in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan in March 2010.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

Since its opening, the center has held many different events that give Korean culture fans the opportunity to attend concerts with Korean singers, watch films, attend exhibitions and learn Korean language and dance.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

The academic year at Korean Cultural Center is divided into four semesters: spring, summer, autumn and winter. For all students of the Korean Cultural Center, the most expected moment is the closing ceremony of the semester, as those who successfully took exams are given a certificate of completion. This time the certificates were awarded not only to the students of the Korean language courses, but also to the distinguished students of K-ROP Academy courses.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

Ms Lee Heran, Director of Korean Cultural Center, welcomed the participants. In particular, she congratulated the students on the end of the summer semester and expressed gratitude to the teachers for their work.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

"Despite the holidays, you put a lot of effort into your favourite work. I hope that in the future you will be rewarded for your endeavours.

I believe that next semester you will come to learn Korean and actively support our center," said the Director.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

After Ms. Lee Heran's congratulatory speech, K-ROP Academy students demonstrated dances to modern Korean music, cheering the audience with incredible energy. The entire concert program prepared by the students was held in one breath.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

After the performance of the vocal group, the certificate awarding ceremony to the best students of the group and the center with high performance and gifts from the Korean Cultural Center was held.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

According to Aruzhan Ormantayeva, the best student of the elementary group, her interest in learning Korean language started after watching Korean dramas and listening to K-POP.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

"While listening to Korean speech every day, I wanted to understand what the songs were about and watch TV series without subtitles. Now I like everything related to Korea - their culture, food, people, humor, music, serials and films.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan

I don't know exactly how to explain my feelings about becoming the best student in our group. It's great to be among the best in a thing you really like to do.

I'm happy and grateful to my teacher, to our 1B-2 class and to the Korean Cultural Center for this support and the opportunity to learn the language" says Aruzhan.

Korean Wave Sweeps Across Kazakhstan



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