Korea's Fight against COVID-19

The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in South Korea was announced on 20 January 2020. Subsequently, in February, the number of people infected increased dramatically, mainly in Daegu, a city in southeastern Korea and neighboring Gyeongsang-Pukto Province, to over 2,000 at the end of February.
However, the number of those infected is gradually declining, following careful preventive measures by the Korean Government. As at 27 March, 9,332 people had been infected, with an average of less than 100 infections per day over the past 20 days.
Compared to Europe and the United States, where up to 10,000 new infections are now detected per day, Korea is at a decreasing stage of spread.
This is the reason why many countries around the world are now showing interest in Korean medical technology, which has been so successful. CNN and the world's media are reporting the introduction of creative methods such as the Drive-Through and Korea's advanced medical technology, capable of conducting more than 10,000 tests per day. In addition, Korea is receiving requests from many countries around the world to export diagnostic equipment and gain knowledge about medical technology.
As a country with advanced medicine, Korea conducts more tests than any other country, and test results are transparently published. Accordingly, with early treatment due to rapid screening, the mortality rate is very low, at 1.5%.
Korea's response strategy to COVID-19 can be explained by the word "TRUST":
Korea's testing and diagnostic capabilities are excellent and the results are known within hours. More than 19,000 tests are done per day and the results are published instantly.
Robust Screening and Quarantine
Korea is actively tracing and monitoring infected cases. Home quarantine is strictly controlled, and violators are at risk of imprisonment and fines.
Unique but Universally Applicable
Korea uses information technology and a unique passing inspection station to minimize human contact. Mobile applications monitor the status and movement of infected people.
Strict Control
Korea prohibits persons who have had contact with infected persons from leaving Korea during the 14-day quarantine period.
Korea provides modern medical care to infected people. Treatment is free of charge for both Koreans and foreign nationals.