

Konstantin Lutsa: I came to the Assembly thanks to my teacher

Konstantin Lutsa: I came to the Assembly thanks to my teacher
13.02.2020 16:59 2045

Konstantin Lutsa is a member of ‘Slavs’ social and cultural center in Kyzylorda, a participant of Voice Kazakh TV project, winner of many national music contests. Konstantin is engaged in creative work and actively participates in the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. In an interview to our website Konstantin told about his experience in the Voice project, participation in competitions and how he first appeared in the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.


- Could you introduce yourself.

- I was born and grew up in Terenozek village, Kyzylorda region. In 2013, I graduated from school, entered Bolashak University, where I studied majoring in ‘Construction’.

- How did you come to the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan?

- This is all happened thanks to my first and only teacher of music - Ainash Kozhantayevna. She noticed potential, worked and supported me in all concerts, competitions, achievements and thanks to this person I was noticed by Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. At first it was the Slavic Centre, headed by Shcherbakova Galina Sergeyevna. They invited me to take part in the concert. From that moment on, everything started. I cooperated with the regional assembly, and now I am doing what I really like.


- You are a member of ‘Slavs’Social and Cultural Centre, what events are held at the Centre?

- Despite the fact that I am a member of the Slavic Center, I am also involved in other ethno-cultural associations. In no way do I share the centers, I help everyone I can.

In fact, the Slavic Center is one of the active centers of our regional assembly. First of all, it is a friendly, united, hard-working, talented, energetic team and I believe that first of all it is the merit of the head of the center, a wonderful person Galina Shcherbakova.

When all the artists go on stage, it's a pleasure to watch their performances. You are glad that there are such responsive people who are ready to help, to give good mood and smiles. Isn't that happiness? That is why I am very happy to be part of the Slavic Cultural Center, they always help me, and I try to do the same thing too.

From the moment I began to cooperate with the Slavic center, I was noticed by the regional assembly, which had huge plans for me. They paid attention to the fact that I sing quite well and speak Kazakh. Thanks to the regional assembly I started to participate in the various events, contests, festivals, and I am very grateful for the given opportunity.

In 2014, I was offered to head the youth wing. At that moment, I thought about it for a long time, as I studied, worked, was engaged in creative activity at the same time. It was hard to make a decision, but in the end, I agreed. I worked there for a year and a lot of good things were done during that time. We actively participated in social projects, in all the activities of the Assembly. Over time, it became difficult for me to combine my basic work and social activities, and I had to leave the youth wing. However, I continued to participate in all activities of the House of Friendship.

- You are fluent in Kazakh language. How did you learn it?

- I know and understand conversational Kazakh and it does not prevent me from talking to Kazakhs. Sometimes it is difficult for me to get a point across, but most importantly, I can respond in a clear way. The way I learned Kazakh is a separate story. I learned to speak thanks to my neighbors and peers. They spoke Kazakh, and I spoke Russian. Communicating with each other in this way, I learned Kazakh. You could say that this is the merit of my friends.


- You took part in the XX Session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, where you performed ‘Aittym Salem, Qalamqas’ by Abai. Will you share your impressions?

- Every time I remember this historical moment, I have goosebumps on my skin. First, I want to express gratitude to the regional assembly of people of Kazakhstan, including Tureshova Layla Begaliyevna, who put forward my candidacy. She believed in me and did not doubt for a second. Many participants were involved and chose the most interesting ones. I immediately found myself among the lucky ones who had to speak at the Session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

I am a critical person and was worried about my speech, but the leader, who saw in me a huge potential said that I could do that well. I did not sleep at night, rehearsed, worried, I thought, what I will do next after I come on the stage? Fortunately, everything went well. Remembering this moment, I feel proud for myself, for my region and on behalf of the youth thanked the First President - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev for the great support given to the youth.

After the performance, I decided to sing ‘Aittym Salem, Kalamkas’ by Abai. As soon as I started singing, the First President started singing with me, and we performed the song together. As it turned out, it was one of the First President’s favorite songs, and mine as well.


- This year marks the 175th anniversary of Abai. You're the winner of many competitions dedicated to the works of the great poet. What events will you participate in this year's anniversary celebration?

- Abai and his work is a very separate story that closely links me to the poet and his work. In 2012, I was lucky enough to go to Abai's homeland and take part in a competition where I won third place in the category ‘Konilim Andi Ugady’. It was an unforgettable moment in my life.

We visited the house where the great poet was born and lived. The organizers showed us a lot of sights, I express my great gratitude to them for it.

Now I independently realize projects in the House of Friendship of our city. As I understand it, the year 2020 promises to be productive, as a huge number of events will be held. I am very closely connected with the creative work of Abai, I would like to tell the story how it all began.

When I was in the 7th grade, there was an annual competition in honour of a great poet. I was sent on behalf of the school to another village in ‘Vocal’ direction. I remember my first performance, it was not very successful and I came back without winning a place. During the year I was preparing, got acquainted with the terms of the contest, next year I took part again and took the first place.

Then I went to the regional contest in Aralsk, where I won first place. There I was sent to the republican competition in Semey, where the competition was tough. From all regions of Kazakhstan came the most talented performers, among them only two were other nationalities, me and one girl. Certainly, it was difficult for us, however among a huge number of performers I was awarded the third place of honor. It is worth noting the high organization of the contest. Every day excursions were conducted, we visited sacred places, visited theatrical performances in the middle of steppe - all this was unforgettable.

I also took part in the competition "Abai Readings", where I introduced myself, sing a song, retell an excerpt from the novel "Abai’s Way", "The Book of Words" or a poem by heart. In Kyzylorda I was awarded first place and sent to Uralsk. I did not win a place, but not upset, and just enjoyed the moment, met with wonderful people, it was a huge experience. All my achievements are the merit of my teachers, the schools where I studied, the Kazakh language teachers - Mirash Kastaevna, Saule Nuraitinovna, Aigerim Kairatovna, Akmaral Sabyrovna, Meyramkul Serikbaevna, these are all people who have played an important role in my life. I certainly wouldn't have taken part in such events and wouldn't have shown myself without them. They believed in me, and I thank them for what they have done for me.

In 2017, a vocal competition was held. I chose the song ‘Aittym Salem, Qalamqas’ for participation in it. It's a complicated song, because you have to reveal all your vocal in it. After I was approved in the region, I went to the capital. That's where I was assigned a teacher. It turned out that I would perform a song to live music, an orchestra. It was a completely new experience, as before I did not have to sing to an orchestra.

Here I felt confident, I met wonderful participants from all regions. I really like such competitions because they are friendships, new acquaintances. After the performance, they started to award the winners. After the third, second places were announced, I thought: "This is a failure." And when the presenter said: "Grand Prix goes to Konstantin Lutsa", I just couldn't believe.

Probably, it's really my vocation - to be a singer and perform to the audience. I feel like a happy person, because I found myself in this life and now I need to continue to develop. In addition to singing, I'm hosting events and at the end of last year I proved myself as a director. Back at school I wanted to be a director, an event organizer, to create something of my own. Now I'm doing it, and I'm very happy.


- Where do you see yourself in five years?

- It's very difficult to answer this question unambiguously, but I will try. I see myself as a creative, confident and purposeful person. I go for it, and I believe that everything that I have planned for the future will come true. I see myself as a happy man.

- What do you like to do in your spare time?

- There's hardly any free time, because I am engaged in creativity. At the same time, I am in this sphere, there are more pros than cons. When I have free time, I like to watch movies, chat with friends, go somewhere or walk around town.


   - You participated in the Voice Project, could you tell us about it?

- Back in school I was interested in this project, I liked the atmosphere, how the whole process happens, a coach turns around and chooses a participant, they prepare a common song, then there are battles, where they choose the most worthy and so reach the final.

During the year I prepared, adjusted my voice, chose my repertoire – the song ‘Aittym salem, Qalamqas’. In 2016, I went to "Voice of Kazakhstan". I remember the first day of the casting, there were three cabinets, they gave me a number, but they didn't tell me if I passed, they said they would answer within a week. Later I realized that getting a number means that you became a participant.

Day X came - blind auditions, we were being prepared and recording interviews. It was a huge experience, because I got to the professionals. There's a big team here that's working together in a close and friendly way. And so, having chosen the song "Wanderer", I go out on stage, during the performance of the song two mentors - Zhanna Orynbasarova and Nurlan Abdullin turned to me.

The most interesting thing is that we were the last participants, the casting was coming to an end. There were only a handful of participants left in the team from the mentors. I chose Nurlan Abdullin, after that I was sent home and was given Frank Sinatra's song "I love you baby" to prepare for the contest of fights. On battle day, my opponent Sardor won. I wasn't disappointed at all, because I managed to work with professionals, I saw the celebrities.


- What are your creative plans?

- There's a lot of them. I've decided not to reveal them yet, so let's keep it a secret. Slowly but surely, I'm going to my goal.

- Who do you admire?

- I admire people who do good deeds. One of those people is Konstantin Habensky. A man with a great heart and a pure soul helps children who need help. I would like to be like him, I do my best to make children happy.

- What are you most proud of?

- I am proud that I have found myself, my calling is probably the most important thing in my life.

- What does the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan mean to you?

- The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan is friendship, solidarity, tolerance and the future.

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