Kazakhstan takes 47th place in crime rate
The number of registered criminal offenses in Kazakhstan in the first half of the year increased by 1%
Kazakhstan took 47th place out of 142 in the ranking of countries by crime rate in the first half of the year, El.kz reports with reference to Finprom.
"The country's index was 53.04. It is based on estimates compiled from a survey of the population. The Crime Index is an estimate of the overall crime rate in a city or country. Experts consider this figure to be up to 20 very low, from 20 to 40 - low, from 40 to 60 - moderate, from 60 to 80 - high, above 80 - very high, "the publication writes.
The rating begins with the highest crime rate in the world Venezuela, Papua New Guinea and Afghanistan, Qatar closes.
Kazakhstan took 47th place out of 142 / Finprom.kz
According to the rating, among the CIS countries the crime rate in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan is higher than in Kazakhstan, lower - in Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.
According to official statistics, in Kazakhstan since the beginning of the year, the level of offenses per 10 thousand people amounted to 91.5, against 91.8 a year earlier.
In the regional context, the highest crime rate was in Almaty: 191.5 per 10 thousand people, against 140.5 a year earlier. The top three anti-leaders also included the capital and the West Kazakhstan region. The best indicator – at least officially – was noted in the Turkestan region: 32.2 offenses per 10 thousand inhabitants of the region.
The level of offenses per 10 thousand people / Finprom.kz
Since the beginning of the year, 87.1 thousand offenses have been registered in the country - 1.1% more than a year earlier.
Most of the offenses were recorded in Almaty: 19.4 thousand, plus 40.3% for the year. The top three anti-leaders also included the capital (9 thousand offenses) and Almaty region (8.4 thousand offenses).
The least number of criminal offenses was registered in the Kyzylorda region: 1.9 thousand - 5.2% less than a year earlier.